This is a small bash utility which can help to install and uninstall multiple helm charts in one go. The idea is inspired by helmfile
- In some of the air-gapped environments it is sometimes a bit difficult to use the tools/utilities available because moving things inside an air-gapped environment is a challenge.
- Some of the environments are so secure that one may need to follow a whole process of getting all the security clearances and approval before using a tool/utility, which is all together a nightmare.
- I chose bash, the reason being it is pretty common among engineers and it is easily understandable.
- The source code can be found here:
- You can copy it, and tweak it based on your requirements.
- yq (required)
- cowsay (optional)
$0 [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS - Optional]
Install multiple helm charts in one go. Just need to have config.yaml file with what all charts needs to be installed. For more information around config.yaml, sample file is a part of base folder.
Uninstall multiple helm charts in one go, this command too will consume the same config.yaml.
Display help.
Helps you to mention explicit/specific config.yaml. If not provided it will consider the default one which is placed in the base folder.
dry_run: false
create_namespace: true
wait: false
timeout: false # If true, defaults to 20 mins
- release_name: nginx
chart_name: nginx
chart_repo: oci://
values_file: values/nginx-values.yaml
- release_name: argocd
chart_name: argo-cd
values_file: values/argo-cd.yaml
version: 6.4.0
namespace: argo-cd
- Charts is an array, it can contain as many releases as you want.
- It also support both oci:// and https:// registries.
- All the key value pairs under charts are mandatory except version and namespace,
- If not provided it will consider latest chart and default namespace respectively.
- You can mention explicit/specific config.yaml as well using -f | --file flag.
- If not provided it will consider the default one which is placed in the base folder.
- If config.yaml is placed in /tmp directory, it might not work correctly. Ref: mikefarah/yq#1305.
- Initial messages are printed using cowsay (It is not necessary though if required, get this installed using apt/yum/brew/dpkg based on your distribution).
$ ./helmister install -f /opt/app/config-dev.yaml
- Version 1.0.0 was released on April 7, 2024.
- Version 1.0.1 was released on August 15, 2024.
- Fixed issue #1, allowing users to specify a custom path for config.yaml.
- Log entry:
[2024-08-15 12:30:06] [INFO] Generic/common values based on /home/sunny/config.yaml file