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Set of simple modules to communicate using SPI protocol.


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Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Modules
  3. IOs of Modules
  4. SPI Synchronous Clock
  5. Serial Peripheral Interface (Brief information)
  6. Simulation
  7. Test
  8. Status Information
  9. List of Tested Devices
  10. Knows Issues
  11. License

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Set of simple modules to communicate using SPI protocol.


Two SPI modules (a master and a slave) and a clock divider module are included in spi.v. A MISO signal router included in miso_switch.v.


  • SPI master module

  • Supports multiple slaves.

  • Supports both clock polarities (CPOL) and phases (CPHA).

  • Supports 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit transactions.

  • External spi clock input

  • (Synthesized) Utilization on Artix-7 XC7A35T-1CPG236C:

    • Slice LUTs: 123 (as Logic)

    • Slice Registers: 178 (143 as Flip Flop and 35 as Latch)

      Note: SLAVE_COUNT set to 1.


  • SPI slave module
  • Supports both clock polarities (CPOL) and phases (CPHA).
  • Supports 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit transactions.
  • Daisy chain mode


  • Can be used to route correct MISO signal coming from slaves to MISO input of master when three-state logic is not available.


  • Used to generate SPI clock from system clock.

  • Output clock frequency can be controlled.

  • (Synthesized) Utilization on Artix-7 XC7A35T-1CPG236C:

    • Slice LUTs: 20 (as Logic)
    • Slice Registers: 16 (as Flip Flop)
    • F7 Muxes: 2
    • F8 Muxes: 1

Important: CPOL, CPHA and transaction width values should be decided before the transaction begins and should be kept constant during transaction.

IOs of Modules

Both modules use same naming.

Port Module Type Width Description
clk M/S I 1 System Clock
rst M/S I 1 System Reset
ext_spi_clkx2 M I 1 SPI clock source (2 x fSCLK)
busy M/S O 1 Busy signal. Indicates an ongoing SPI transaction.
start_trans M I 1 Initiate a SPI transfer
MOSI M/S O/I 1 Master Out Slave In, SPI signal
MISO M/S I/O 1 Master In Slave Out, SPI signal
SCLK M/S O/I 1 SPI synchronous clock
CS M/S O/I */1 Chip (Slave) Select (Active low)
tx_data M/S I 32 Data to be transmitted
rx_data M/S O 32 Received data
chipADDRS M I * Chip (Slave) address
transaction_length M/S I 2 Transaction width (0b00 8bit, 0b01 16bit, 0b10 24bit, 0b11 32bit)
CPOL M/S I 1 SPI Clock polarity
CPHA M/S I 1 SPI Clock phase
daisy_chain S I 1 Daisy chain mode, when not selected propagate MOSI to MISO
default_val M/S I 1 MISO/MOSI value when not in transfer

M: Master S: Slave I: Input O: Output

*Width of chipADDRS and CS for master module controlled by following parameters. SLAVE_COUNT can be controlled, SLAVE_ADDRS_LEN is calculated automatically.

Parameter Default Value Description
SLAVE_COUNT 8 Number of maximum addressable slaves
SLAVE_ADDRS_LEN 3 Width of the slave address (Calculated automatically)

SPI Synchronous Clock

SPI clock can be generated from system clock using spi_clk_gen module. spi_clk_gen generates following frequencies for 100 MHz system clock.

division_ratio Output Frequency [f]
0000 50 MHz
0001 25 MHz
0010 12.5 MHz
0011 6.25 MHz
0100 3.125 MHz
0101 1.5625 MHz
0110 781.25 kHz
0111 390.625 kHz
1000 195.312 kHz
1001 97.656 kHz
1010 48.828 kHz
1011 24.414 kHz
1100 12.207 kHz
1101 6.103 kHz
1110 3.052 kHz
1111 1.526 kHz

Serial Peripheral Interface

Information about Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) can be found on Wikipedia. A really good introduction can be found on

SPI can be used to communicate a single master with multiple slaves. SPI protocol uses four signals to communicate. All modules are connected to same data lines (MOSI and MISO) and SPI synchronous clock (SPI clock). Each slave must have its own chip (slave) select line connected to master. Master selects slave using active low CS signal. Then master starts toggle SPI clock to go on with the transaction. Master must select only one slave at a given time. MOSI signal carries data from master to slave. MISO signal carries data from slave to master.

SPI transaction can happen in four different modes, defined by clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA). Clock polarity defines value of clock when not in transaction. When CPOL is high, SPI clock value is also high when not in transaction. When CPOL is low, SPI clock value is also low when not in transaction. Clock phase determines which edge is to store data. When CPHA is low, at the odd numbered edges (first, third...) data is stored and at the even numbered edges (second, fourth...) data is shifted. When CPHA is high, at the odd numbered edges (first, third...) data is shifted and at the even numbered edges (second, fourth...) data is stored.


Modules simulated in tb.v. Slave and master module simulated togeter. During simulation both received data and MOSI/MISO signals are verified. Modules simulated for all CPOL, CPHA and transaction_length values. (tb.v does not contain all simulation cases, just the last simulation.) Multiple clock frequencies (including highest possible), but not all, are simulated.


Test with Master v2

Test 3:

Master module v2 tested with master_tester_v2.v and Basys3.xdc. Module in master_tester_v2.v handles the interface of the spi master module. MOSI and MISO ports are connected to each other. Seven segment display used to show incoming data. Left half of the swiches are used for configurations, and right half of the switches replicated to generate 32 bit word from 8 bit Byte. Up push button initiates a new transmisson and down push button changes which half of the read data to be shown. SPI ports and busy signal are copied to upper JC header.

All SPI modes with 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit data transfer in various frequencies are tested. Highest tested SPI clock frequency is 25 MHz.

Test with Master v1

Modules are tested using boardN.v and constrain file Basys3_masterN.xdc, where N denotes the test board version.

Test 1:

Modules are tested on Digilent Basys 3 with [board1.v](Test/master v1.x/board1.v). Master and a slave modules are connected to each other. SPI signals are also connected to upper four signal ports of JB header. Recieved data of slave module is connected to LEDs and revieved data of master module is connected to seven segment displays. Transmit data of slave module is connected to recieved data of slave module, thus slave module echos the data from previous transaction. Master module gets its transmission data from eight right most switches. Data rom these switches replicated to make it 32 bit. Left most switches used for configuration. Center button is used to reset, all other buttons used to initiate a new transfer. During testing inputs (switches), outputs (ssds and leds) and SPI signals (JB header) are monitored.

System is tested using all available clock settings and transaction lengths with multiple SPI clock frequencies. System sometimes behaves unstable when used in highest available clock frequency (50 MHz). System behaves as expected for other tested frequencies.

Test 2:

Master module is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with [board3.v](Test/master v1.x/board3.v). MOSI and MISO signals connected to each other, and all SPI signals are observed from JB header using Digilent Digital Discovery. Transmission data from eight right most switches and SPI configurations read from eight left most switches. Higher bits of received data are shown with LEDs and lower bits of received data are shown on seven segment display.

System is tested using all available clock settings and transaction lengths with multiple SPI clock frequencies. System sometimes behaves unstable when used in two highest available clock frequency (25 & 50 MHz). System behaves as expected for other tested frequencies, similar to Test 1.

Status Information

Last simulation: 29 April 2021, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test: 30 April 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

List of Tested Devices

Modules are not tested with any other devices yet. Please let me know if you try it with a device.

Device Name Tested Interface CPOL/CPHA Transaction Lenght Status Test Notes
Digilent Digital Discovery Master All 8, 16, 24, 32 bit Working Test with Protocol Spying/Logic analyzer
Pmod MIC3 Master 1/1 16 bit Working link Modified version of the master module is used
Pmod AD1 Master 1/1 16 bit Working link Modified version of the master module is used

Known Issues

  • In simulation, MISO signal might come late when CPHA is high during 8 bit transaction. However it is working properly on device.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal


Set of simple modules to communicate using SPI protocol.








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