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Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (Brief information)
  3. Standalone
    1. Modules
    2. IOs of Modules
    3. Bit rates
    4. Utilization
    5. Simulation
    6. Test
  4. Transmitter IP
    1. About
    2. Register Map
    3. Utilization
  5. Receiver IP
    1. About
    2. Register Map
    3. Utilization
  6. Transceiver IP
    1. About
    2. Register Map
    3. Utilization
  7. Status Information
  8. License

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Set of simple modules to communicate via UART.

Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter

From Wikipedia: A universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) is a computer hardware device for asynchronous serial communication in which the data format and transmission speeds are configurable. It sends data bits one by one, from the least significant to the most significant, framed by start and stop bits so that precise timing is handled by the communication channel.

Standalone Modules

UART communication modules are included in uart.v. UART clock generation modules are included in uart_clock.v.

Data always send LSB first.


  • UART transmitter module
  • Supports 7 and 8 bit transactions
  • Supports even, odd, mark, space parities as well as no parity


  • UART Receiver module
  • Supports 7 and 8 bit transactions
  • Supports even, odd, mark, space parities as well as no parity


  • uart_tx and uart_rx bundled together, sharing same configurations
  • Can transmit and receive simultaneously


  • Generates clock signal for UART transaction.
  • Generated frequencies corresponds to some of the common bit rates.
  • Works with various clock frequencies, controlled by input parameter.


  • Generates higher frequency clock signal for UART transaction.
  • Generated frequencies depends on input clock frequency, and does not corresponds to the common bit rates.


  • Generates clock signal from an external clock input.

Important: Transactions configurations should be kept constant during transaction. Changing data during transaction does not effect the data currently being transmitted.

IOs of Standalone Modules

uart_transceiver Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
tx O 1 Transmit line
rx I 1 Receive line
clk_uart_tx I 1 UART Transmitter Clock
clk_uart_rx I 1 UART Receiver Clock
uart_enable_tx O 1 Enable UART Transmitter Clock
uart_enable_rx O 1 Enable UART Receiver Clock
data_size I 1 Configure Data size; 7 or 8 bit
parity_en I 1 Enable parity
parity_mode I 2 Configure parity value
stop_bit_size I 1 Configure Stop bit length; 1 or 2 bit
data_i I 8 Transmit data
data_o O 8 Receive data
error_parity O 1 Parity check result, only when enabled (parity_en)
error_frame O 1 Frame Error
newData O 1 One cycle high pulse to show new data is available
ready_tx O 1 Transmitter is ready
ready_rx I 1 Receiver is ready
send I 1 Start transaction

I: Input O: Output

uart_tx Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
tx O 1 Transmit line
clk_uart I 1 UART Transmitter Clock
uart_enable O 1 Enable UART Transmitter Clock
data_size I 1 Configure Data size; 7 or 8 bit
parity_en I 1 Enable parity
parity_mode I 2 Configure parity value
stop_bit_size I 1 Configure Stop bit length; 1 or 2 bit
data I 8 Transmit data
ready O 1 Transmitter is ready
send I 1 Start transaction

I: Input O: Output

uart_rx Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
rx I 1 Receive line
clk_uart_ I 1 UART Receiver Clock
uart_enable O 1 Enable UART Receiver Clock
data_size I 1 Configure Data size; 7 or 8 bit
parity_en I 1 Enable parity
parity_mode I 2 Configure parity value
stop_bit_size I 1 Configure Stop bit length; 1 or 2 bit
data O 8 Receive data
error_parity O 1 Parity check result, only when enabled (parity_en)
error_frame O 1 Frame Error
ready I 1 Receiver is ready
newData O 1 One cycle high pulse to show new data is available

I: Input O: Output

uart_clk_gen Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
en I 1 Enable clock generator
clk_uart_ O 1 UART Clock
baseClock_freq I 1 Configure base clock; 76,8kHz (13us) or 460,8kHz (2,17us)
divRatio I 3 Division ratio for UART clock

I: Input O: Output

CLOCK_PERIOD parameter should be set to clock period in ns for correct UART clock generation. Default value is 10 ns, corresponds to 100 MHz.

uart_clk_gen_hs Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
en I 1 Enable clock generator
clk_uart_ O 1 UART Clock
divRatio I 3 Division ratio for UART clock

I: Input O: Output

uart_clk_en Ports

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
ext_uart_clk I 1 External Clock Input
en I 1 Enable clock generator
clk_uart_ O 1 UART Clock

I: Input O: Output

Bit rates

Rates of transmitted bits is controlled with clk_uart. clk_uart kept high when IDLE. Data is read at positive edges and shifted at negative edges. UART modules take clk_uart as input. Signal uart_enable is used to enable clk_uart. Included uart_clk_gen and uart_clk_gen_hs modules can be used to generate clk_uart. Module uart_clk_en can be used with an external clock signal to generate clk_uart.

uart_clk_gen bit rates

uart_clk_gen generates clk_uart by dividing a base clock. Frequency of base clock controlled by baseClock_freq.

baseClock_freq = 0; 13 µs (76.92 kHz)

divRatio Output Frequency Output Period Corresponding Common Baud Rate
0 76.92 kHz 13 µs 76.8k
1 38.46 kHz 26 µs 38.4k
2 19.23 kHz 52 µs 19.2k
3 9.61 kHz 104 µs 9.6k
4 4.81 kHz 208 µs 4.8k
5 2.4 kHz 416 µs 2.4k
6 1.2 kHz 832 µs 1.2k
7 600.1 Hz 1.664 ms 600

baseClock_freq = 1; 2.16 µs (462.96 kHz):

divRatio Output Frequency Output Period Corresponding Common Baud Rate
0 462.96 kHz 2.16 µs 460.8k
1 231.48 kHz 4.32 µs 230.4k
2 115.74 kHz 8.64 µs 115.2k
3 57.87 kHz 17.28 µs 57.6k
4 28.94 kHz 34.56 µs 28.8k
5 14.47 kHz 69.12 µs 14.4k
6 7.23 kHz 138.24 µs 7.2k
7 3.62 kHz 276.48 µs ?

uart_clk_gen_hs bit rates

uart_clk_gen_hs generates clk_uart by dividing system clock. Following table provides output frequencies for 100 MHz system clock.

divRatio Output Frequency Output Period
0 25 MHz 40 ns
1 12.5 MHz 80 ns
2 6.25 MHz 160 ns
3 3.125 MHz 320 ns

Standalone Utilization

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_tx on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 20 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 19 (as Flip Flop)

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_rx on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 17 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 29 (as Flip Flop)

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_transceiver on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 37 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 48 (as Flip Flop)

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_clk_gen on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 24 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 18 (as Flip Flop)

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_clk_gen_hs on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 7 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 5 (as Flip Flop)

(Synthesized) Utilization of uart_clk_en on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 1 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 1 (as Flip Flop)

Standalone Simulation

Transmitter (sim_tx.v) and receiver (sim_rx.v) modules are simulated individually, as well as clock generators (sim_baud.v) in corresponding files.

Standalone Test

UART modules are tested on Digilent Basys 3 with test.v. design_uart_bd.tcl can be use to generate test block design automatically. Rx and Tx signals connected to Digilent Digital Discovery via JB pins. Received and send data connected to seven segment displays. For testing, UART Send & Receive mode of protocol analyzer is used. Modules only tested in 115200 bit rates. Both 7 bit and 8 bit data sizes with all possible parity configurations tested. Additionally, System ILAs are used to monitor control signals as well as Rx and Tx signals.

Transmitter IP About

Transmitter IP contains a UART transmitter with an AXI-Lite interface, without an receiver. UART configurations can be dynamically reconfigured via configuration register. A simple sw driver can be found at uart_tx.h. Interrupt pin is set when interrupt is enabled and Tx buffer is empty.

Transmitter IP Register Map

0x0: Tx Buffer

Write only register to add a new data to transmit buffer.

0x4: Configuration Register

Allows dynamic reconfiguration of the IP core.

31:12 11 10 9 8:6 5:4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Blocking Transmission Clear Tx Buffer Base Clk Div Ratio Parity Mode Parity En Data Size Stop Bit Size Interrupt En

Blocking Transmission:

When set, core clears write channel ready signals if the Tx Buffer full.

Clear Tx Buffer:

Clears Tx buffer, self clearing.

Base Clock:

Corresponds to baseClock_freq.

Division Ratio:

Corresponds to divRatio.

Parity Mode:

Corresponds to parity_mode.

Space Mark Even Odd
0b00 0b01 0b10 0b11

Parity Enable:

Enables parity calculation.

Data Size:

Corresponds to data_size.

Cleared for 7 bits, set for 8 bits.

Stop Bit Size:

Corresponds to stop_bit_size.

Cleared for 1 bits, set for 2 bits.

Interrupt Enable:

Enables interrupt pin.

0x8: Status Register

Read only register that contains the IP status.

31:2 1 0
Reserved Tx Buffer Full Tx Buffer Empty

0xC: Tx Buffer Counter

Read only register that contains the number of remaining entries in the Tx buffer.

Transmitter IP Utilization

(Synthesized) Utilization with 16 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 89
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 8
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 76

(Synthesized) Utilization with 256 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 118
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 48
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 84

Receiver IP About

Receiver IP contains a UART receiver with an AXI-Lite interface, without an receiver. UART configurations can be dynamically reconfigured via configuration register. A simple sw driver can be found at uart_rx.h. Interrupt pin is set when interrupt is enabled and Rx buffer has a new Data. Parity and frame errors for each transmission can be detected.

Receiver IP Register Map

0x0: Rx Buffer (Receiver IP)

Read only register to read oldest received data. If the error buffer is included in hardware, error flags can be read from second byte.

31:10 9 8 7:0
Reserved Parity Error* Frame Error* Data

*Parity error and frame error flags valid only if it is included in the hardware and enabled in configuration register before receiving, otherwise they are zero.

0x4: Configuration Register (Receiver IP)

Allows dynamic reconfiguration of the IP core.

31:12 11 10 9 8:6 5:4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Enable Error Buffer* Clear Rx Buffer Base Clk Div Ratio Parity Mode Parity En Data Size Stop Bit Size Interrupt En

*Only valid if included in hardware

Enable Error Buffer:

When set, core saves error flags for each transmission.

Clear Rx Buffer:

Clears Rx buffer, self clearing.

Base Clock:

Corresponds to baseClock_freq.

Division Ratio:

Corresponds to divRatio.

Parity Mode:

Corresponds to parity_mode.

Space Mark Even Odd
0b00 0b01 0b10 0b11

Parity Enable:

Enables parity calculation.

Data Size:

Corresponds to data_size.

Cleared for 7 bits, set for 8 bits.

Stop Bit Size:

Corresponds to stop_bit_size.

Cleared for 1 bits, set for 2 bits.

Interrupt Enable:

Enables interrupt pin.

0x8: Status Register (Receiver IP)

Read only register that contains the IP status.

31:2 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Error Buffer implemented Overrun/Data Lost* Parity Error* Frame Error* Rx Buffer Full Rx Buffer Empty

*Cleared only after status register read

0xC: Rx Buffer Counter (Receiver IP)

Read only register that contains the number of remaining entries in the Rx buffer.

Receiver IP Utilization

(Synthesized) Utilization with 16 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 112
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 8
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 99

(Synthesized) Utilization with 256 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 139
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 56
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 107

Transceiver IP About

Transceiver IP contains a UART receiver and a UART transmitter with an AXI-Lite interface. UART configurations can be dynamically reconfigured via configuration register. Both channels use same configuration. A simple sw driver can be found at uart.h. Interrupt pin is set when interrupt is enabled and can be configured to be set when Rx buffer has a new Data and/or Tx buffer is empty. Parity and frame errors for each transmission can be detected.

Transceiver IP Register Map

0x00: Rx Buffer (Transceiver IP)

Read only register to read oldest received data. If the error buffer is included in hardware, error flags can be read from second byte.

31:10 9 8 7:0
Reserved Parity Error* Frame Error* Data

*Parity error and frame error flags valid only if it is included in the hardware and enabled in configuration register before receiving, otherwise they are zero.

0x04: Tx Buffer (Transceiver IP)

Write only register to add a new data to transmit buffer.

0x08: Configuration Register (Transceiver IP)

Allows dynamic reconfiguration of the IP core.

31:16 15 14 13 12 11
Reserved Transmitter Interrupts Receiver Interrupts Enable Error Buffer* Blocking Transmission Clear Rx Buffer
10 9 8:6 5:4 3 2 1 0
Clear Tx Buffer Base Clk Div Ratio Parity Mode Parity En Data Size Stop Bit Size General Interrupt En

*Only valid if included in hardware

Transmitter Interrupts:

Interrupt pin set when the transmitter buffer is empty.

Receiver Interrupts:

Interrupt pin set when the receiver has new data.

Enable Error Buffer:

When set, core saves error flags for each transmission.

Blocking Transmission:

When set, core clears write channel ready signals if the Tx Buffer full.

Clear Tx Buffer:

Clears Tx buffer, self clearing.

Clear Rx Buffer:

Clears Rx buffer, self clearing.

Base Clock:

Corresponds to baseClock_freq.

Division Ratio:

Corresponds to divRatio.

Parity Mode:

Corresponds to parity_mode.

Space Mark Even Odd
0b00 0b01 0b10 0b11

Parity Enable:

Enables parity calculation.

Data Size:

Corresponds to data_size.

Cleared for 7 bits, set for 8 bits.

Stop Bit Size:

Corresponds to stop_bit_size.

Cleared for 1 bits, set for 2 bits.

General Interrupt Enable:

Enables interrupt pin.

0x0C: Status Register (Transceiver IP)

Read only register that contains the IP status.

31:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Error Buffer implemented Overrun / Data Lost* Parity Error* Frame Error* Tx Buffer Full Rx Buffer Full Tx Buffer Empty Rx Buffer Empty

*Cleared only after status register read

0x10: Rx Buffer Counter (Transceiver IP)

Read only register that contains the number of remaining entries in the Rx buffer.

0x14: Tx Buffer Counter (Transceiver IP)

Read only register that contains the number of remaining entries in the Tx buffer.

Transceiver IP Utilization

(Synthesized) Utilization with 16 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 205
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 16
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 145
  • F7 Muxes: 1

(Synthesized) Utilization with 128 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 222
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 52
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 157

(Synthesized) Utilization with 256 byte buffer on Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 243
  • Slice LUTs as Distributed RAM: 104
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 161

Status Information


Last simulation: 10 October 2021, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test: 21 October 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

AXI Transmitter IP

Last simulation: 24 October 2021, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test: 24 October 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

AXI Receiver IP

Last simulation: 22 November 2021, with Icarus Verilog.

Last test: 25 November 2021, on Digilent Arty A7.

AXI Transceiver IP

Last simulation: 30 November 2021, with Icarus Verilog.

Last test: 30 November 2021, on Digilent Arty A7.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal


Set of simple modules to communicate via UART








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