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Hello, welcome to my dotfiles!



  • Hyprland - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S hyprland
  • Swaylock-effects - You can install it by doing paru -S swaylock-effects
  • Alacritty - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S Alacritty
  • Neovim - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S neovim
  • Tofi - You can install it by doing paru -S tofi
  • Zsh - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S zsh
  • Starship - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S starship
  • Dunst - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S dunst


  • Firefox - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S firefox
  • Webcord - You can install it using the AUR by doing paru -S webcord
  • Whatstron - You can install it using the AUR by doing paru -S whatstron-bin
  • KeepassXC - You can install it by doing sudo pacman -S keepassxc
  • Zsh vim mode - You can install it using the AUR by doing paru -S zsh-vi-mode


Install using doman

You can install my dotfiles by using a dotfiles manager called doman. To install it with doman, run these commands:

doman new --clone --url
doman link --path ./dotfiles

Or install using the install script or manually

Clone the repo by doing:

git clone --recursive ~/dotfiles/

Eventually update the submodules by doing:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install using the install script (not tested yet)

Make the script executable if it is not already

chmod +x ~/dotfiles/

To install using the script do:


Manual Installation

First, create a symlink for every file or directory:

rm -rf ~/.config/file-or-directory-you-want-to-symlink/
ln -s ~/dotfiles/file-or-directory-you-want-to-symlink/ ~/.config/

For example, for Alacritty do:

rm -rf ~/.config/alacritty/
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Kitty/alacritty/ ~/.config/

.zshrc, pacman.conf, rofi and powerlevel10k are different.

For .zshrc do:

rm ~/.zshrc
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Zsh/.zshrc ~/

For pacman.conf do:

sudo rm /etc/pacman.conf/
sudo ln -s ~/dotfiles/Pacman/pacman.conf/ /etc/

For rofi do:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/rofi/
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Rofi/rofi/ ~/.local/share/
rm -rf ~/.config/rofi/
mkdir ~/.config/rofi/
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Rofi/config.rasi ~/.config/rofi/

For powerlevel10k do:

rm -rf ~/.p10k.zsh
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Zsh/.p10k.zsh ~/

For Webcord do:

rm -rf ~/.config/WebCord/Themes/
ln -s  ~/dotfiles/Webcord/Themes/ ~/.config/WebCord/
rm ~/.config/WebCord/config.json
ln -s ~/dotfiles/Webcord/config.json ~/.config/WebCord/