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League Voice

This program was created as an entry to the League of Legends API Challenge 2018. The Google Action will not be publicly released and the code in the repository will not be maintained.

Manage champion select with the power of your voice!

League Voice


For regular users, head over to the releases tab and download the file. This file contains everything you need to run League Voice.

For developers, clone this repository using git and run these commands.

$ npm install
$ npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=3.0.0 --dist-url=


The requirements to use League Voice are listed here.

  • Windows 64-bit Operating System
  • League of Legends Client & account
  • Google account


The releases can be found here. League Voice follows the semver standard.


Here is a tiny video made to demonstrate some of the features and purposes for the League Voice action.

Table of Contents

What is League Voice?

League Voice is an application to connect your League of Legends champion select to your Google Assistant.

We create a real-time connection between the League Client and the Google Assistant. Every time you tell the assistant to do something, we let the League Client know what to do.

How do I use League Voice?

First you need to add the League Voice app to your Google account. This can be done by following this three-step guide by Google

To use League Voice you need to link your League account to a Google account. This can be done by pressing the "Link" button and asking your Google Assistant to link your accounts.

A more detailed explanation about the linking process can be found here

When you've linked your accounts you'll be able to use League Voice. Simply enter champion select and tell your assistant to do some actions.

A more detailed explanation about using the assistant can be found here

Linking accounts

The linking of accounts is a three-step procedure.

  1. Request your assistant to begin linking your accounts.
  2. Click the "Link" button on the League Voice app.
  3. Tell your assistant the generated phrase that appears on-screen.

Sample Conversation can look a little like this.

> Hey google, talk to League Voice.
< Greetings Summoner. Please complete the pre-link phase via your league of legends client first. After you have completed that step. Just ask me to link accounts to finish.
> Hey google, link my accounts. < Please input your pass phrase

Click the "Link" button on the application to get the generated phrase.

> <Phrase from app>
< Your accounts should be linked. You may now start using the League Voice app.

Making commands

You can tell the Google Assistant to perform actions on your League Client for you.

Every time you want to talk to League Voice you must let the Assistant know you are talking to the app by saying:

Hey google, talk to League Voice.

Command List

The amount of Client support for the League Assistant is currently limited (due to this being a submission for the Riot API challenge). It currently only supports very basic features. If you have any requests for future ideas, please submit an issue with your feature request and we will review it.

Pick a champion

You can use the assistant to select a champion for you. Simply tell it to pick a champion, a conversation could look something like this:

> Hey google, talk to League Voice.
< Welcome back <Your Summoner Name>
> Hey google, pick <Champion>.
< I will attempt to pick <Champion>.

Remember that you need to be in champion select for this to function.

League Voice supports future picks

If it is not your turn to select a champion you can still tell League Voice to pick for you. As soon as it is your turn to select a champion, League Voice will select it for you.

If the intended champion was picked by anybody else, or if it was banned will League Voice will notice you on the application and you will be able to tell Google to pick for you again.

Ban a champion

You can use the assistant to ban a champion for you. Simply tell it to ban a champion, a conversation could look something like this:

> Hey google, talk to League Voice
< Welcome back <Your Summoner Name>
> Hey google, ban <Champion>
< I will attempt to ban <Champion>.

Remember that you need to be in champion select for this to function.

League Voice supports future bans

If it is not your turn to ban a champion you can still tell League Voice to ban for you. As soon as it is your turn to ban a champion, League Voice will ban it for you.

If the intended champion was banned by anybody else will League Voice will notice you on the application and you will be able to tell Google to ban for you again.

Change summoner spells

The League Voice app can also change your summoner spells. Simply tell it which summoner spell to swap and the name of the summoner spell. Here's a sample conversation.

League Voice identifies the two summoner spells by the names "primary" and "secondary". The primary summoner spell is the one which is bound to D by default. The secondary summoner spell is the one which is bound to F by default.

> Hey google, talk to League Voice
< Welcome back <Your Summoner Name>
> Set <Primary or Secondary> summoner spell.
< Which summoner spell do you want to select
> <Spell>
< Your summoner has been set.


If you are experiencing issues with League Voice, please read through the common issues. If you still can not resolve your issue by yourself, submit an issue as described here

Common Issues

Doesn't pick or ban my intended champion

The application needs to be running (you can start the app by clicking the "Start" button).

Your League accounts needs to be linked with a Google Account. This procedure can be started by clicking the "Link" button and telling your Google Assistant to link your accounts.

If your intended champion has been picked or banned the assistant will not perform any action and you will need to request it to pick/ban another champion.

Tbe app is based entirely upon recognizing champion names. Please acknowledge that the assistants readings might not be accurate.

Doesn't start upon pressing start

If you recently restarted your League Client make sure to restart your League Voice application as well.

You need to be logged into the League Client to start League Voice.

The Google Assistant exits when I try to pick/ban a champion

In order for the application to work successfully, you must first enter champion select before attempting to ask your Google Assistant to pick or ban for you.

Still having issues?

If your issue is not addressed in the Common Issues article and if you can't resolve any of the error messages you can report this error by submitting an issue.

Before sending your issue, make sure it has not already been addressed in the issues list. You can check the issues here


Data Policies

League Voice stores certain pieces of data to make the application function.

By using League Voice you agree to allowing us to store these pieces of information.

  • League of Legends Summoner Name
  • League of Legends PUUID (An internal ID)
  • Google Account ID

We use this data to link your Google account with your League of Legends account. This data is not shared with any third-party.

We need to collect this data to authenticate you so the client receives the correct data. This also prevents other users from interacting with your client.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. A copy of the license can be found in the root directory of this package.

Riot Games

League Voice was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.


🎮 Control your Champion Select with your voice







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