A ssh proxy utils developed by GO
In the current version, it only provides forward proxy functionality
go install github.com/superwhys/ssh-proxy
protoc sshproxypb/sshproxy.proto --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative --proto_path=.
It provide two ways to proxy remote port
ssh-proxy connect sshHost:sshPort remoteHost:remotePort
You can proxy the specified port of the remote sshHost locally, as in the example above.
ssh-proxy connect sshHost1:sshPort1 remoteHost:remotePort sshHost2:sshPort2 remoteHost:remotePort
You can also proxy multiple different remote ports locally at the same time.
Available Commands:
append Append services to existing mesh
connect Build tunnel to set of services
create Create a mesh of multiple services
delete Delete mesh
ls List all mesh services
It provides command like these
Before use this mode, you need to create a mesh.
Before create a mesh, you should has a env config (.ssh-proxy.yaml)
like this in you HOME
- EnvName: dev
# you can just one host in this
# if you provide muti host, it will use the previous host as a jumpers.
- HostName: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
- HostName: yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
IdentityFile: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
then, you can create a mesh very simply
ssh-proxy mesh create --env dev mesh-test localhost:8000
and you can connect to mesh like that
ssh-proxy mesh connect mesh-test
after you proxy the remote port locally, it will start a grpc server and provide a grpcui debug page,
in this page, there are there command: connect
, disconnect
, getAllNodes
for you to monitor your proxy