python3 -m pip install mailkit
Usage: mailkit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A user-friendly Python email toolkit
--version Show the version and exit.
-H, --host TEXT SMTP server hostname or IP address
-P, --port INTEGER SMTP server port
-u, --username TEXT SMTP server username
-p, --password TEXT SMTP server password
-s, --use-ssl BOOLEAN Use SSL connection [default: True]
-t, --timeout INTEGER SMTP server timeout [default: 10]
-e, --env-file TEXT The environment file to load [default: ~/.mailkit.env]
-h, -?, --help Show this message and exit.
config initialize the configuration file
send send email to user(s)
Usage: mailkit config [OPTIONS]
initialize the configuration file
-s, --show show the current configuration
-?, -h, --help Show this message and exit.
mailkit config
# flowing the instruction to complete the configuration
>>> SMTP host:
>>> SMTP port [465]:
>>> SMTP username:
>>> SMTP password:
>>> SMTP use ssl [True]:
>>> SMTP timeout [10]:
login success.
Saved configuration to ~/.mailkit.env
# you can also use envernment variables
export SMTP_PORT=465
export SMTP_USE_SSL=True
export SMTP_TIMEOUT=10
Usage: mailkit send [OPTIONS]
send email to user(s)
-f, --from-addr TEXT the display address of the sender, default is the login username
-t, --to-addrs TEXT the recipient address(es) [required]
-s, --subject TEXT the subject of the email [required]
-b, --body TEXT the body of the email
-a, --attachments TEXT the attachments of the email
-C, --charset TEXT the charset of the email [default: utf-8]
-c, --content-type TEXT the content type of the email, eg.: plain, html [default: plain]
-cc, --cc TEXT the cc address(es)
-bcc, --bcc TEXT the bcc address(es)
-h, -?, --help Show this message and exit.
# Examples:
# basic usage
mailkit send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body"
# use charset
mailkit send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body" -C "gbk"
# use content-type
mailkit send -t "" -s "subject" -b "<h1>body</h1>" -C "utf-8" -c "html"
# use cc and bcc
mailkit send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body" -cc "" -bcc ""
# use attachments
mailkit send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body" -a "attachment.txt"
# multiple parameters
mailkit send -t "" -t "" -s "subject" -b "body" -a "attachment.txt" -a "attachment_2.txt"
# auth with parameters
mailkit -H -u -p password send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body"
# auth with an env_file
mailkit -e .env send -t "" -s "subject" -b "body"
from mailkit.core import SendEmail
# default auth with ~/.mailkit.env
mail = SendEmail()
# basic usage
mail.send('', 'subject', 'body')
# use content-type
mail.send('', 'subject', '<h1>body</h1>', content_type='html')
# use attachments
mail.send('', 'subject', 'body', attachments=['attachment.txt'])
# close the connection
# use with mode
with SendEmail() as mail:
mail.send('', 'subject', 'body')
# auth with another env_file
mail = SendEmail(_env_file='.env')
# auth with parameters
mail = SendEmail(host='', port=465, username='', password='password')
# auth wiht environtment variables
import os
os.environ['SMTP_HOST'] = ''
os.environ['SMTP_PORT'] = 465
os.environ['SMTP_USERNAME'] = ''
os.environ['SMTP_PASSWORD'] = 'password'
os.environ['SMTP_USE_SSL'] = True
os.environ['SMTP_TIMEOUT'] = 10
mail = SendEmail()
class SendEmail(mailkit.core.smtp.config.SmtpConfig)
| SendEmail(_case_sensitive: 'bool | None' = None,_env_prefix: 'str | None' = None, _env_file: 'DotenvType | None' = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: 'str | None' = None, _env_nested_delimiter: 'str | None' = None, _secrets_dir: 'str | Path | None' = None, *, host: str, port: Union[int, NoneType] = None, username: str, password: str, use_ssl: bool = True, use_tls: bool = False, timeout: int = 10) -> None
| send(from_addr: str, to_addrs: Union[str, List[str]], subject: str, body: str = '', content_type: str = 'plain', charset: str = 'utf-8', cc: Union[str, List[str]] = '', bcc: Union[str, List[str]] = '', attachments: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> None
| close(self)
| login(self)
| model_dump(self, *, mode: "Literal[('json', 'python')] | str" = 'python', include: 'IncEx' = None, exclude: 'IncEx' = None, by_alias: 'bool' = False, exclude_unset: 'bool' = False, exclude_defaults: 'bool' = False, exclude_none: 'bool' = False, round_trip: 'bool' = False, warnings: 'bool' = True) -> 'dict[str, Any]'