This is my own project to put my knowledge in JavaSciprt into practice. This Rock Paper Scissors game is play against computer. I mainly used functional JavaScript for the interactive parts. I built my own HTML and CSS as well.
The main rule of the game is:
- Player chooses a hand (rock, paper, or scissors) on the left to represent his/her choice.
- The game starts by clicking the choice. The round counter will also start to accumulate the rounds.
- The computer will also automatically deliver its choice for the battle.
- It will tell the player if he/she has won, lost or tied the game.
- If the player wants to restart the game anytime, he/she can click the return arrow button.
- A solid winning star will be given to the winner. There is no star for both sides if the game is tied.
- The one who get the 3 stars will be the winner.
- A modal will pop up to conclude the player has won or lost the game in how many rounds.
- Game will be restarted after clicking play again or X botton.
- Image from pinclipart