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create epics and issues.



download path:

get bin by broser or wget or something, add executable permission, and put under $PATH env.

if you installed stack command, execute following commands only.

$ cd /tmp

$ git clone --depth=1 -b v2.2.1 git://

$ cd hub-board

$ stack install

sub commands

$ hub-board -h
create epics and issues.

Usage: hub-board COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:


put .hub-board-config.yaml to home dir with git-hub-token and zen-hub-token attributes. this command use only one time after install.

$ hub-board init

init command can be executed anywhere.


put .hub-board-config.yaml to new workspace dir with owner and repository attributes. this command use every time the destination board increased.

to create workspace directory is recommended, like this.

$ cd ~/path/to/your-hub-board-workspace

$ hub-board new project-b

$ ls
project-a       project-b


post to github and zenhub according yaml.

$ pwd

$ hub-board post sprint-1.yaml

if you want to yaml check, pass --dry option.

$ hub-board post sprint-1.yaml --dry


show yaml description url.

$ hub-board desc

desc command can be executed anywhere.

bash completion

$ source <(hub-board --bash-completion-script `which hub-board`)

$ hub-board 
--help         -h             desc           init           new            post           

$ hub-board post ./
sprint-1.yaml  sprint-2.yaml  hub-board.log


config yaml

configure git-hub-token, zen-hub-token, owner, and repository attributes with yaml named .hub-board-config.yaml. config can be composed of multiple yaml file. lookup yaml from current directory upwards and compose. if more than one same attributes found, use attribute found first.

$ tree ~ --charset=C

|-- .hub-board-config.yaml            # git-hub-token: 123xxxg, zen-hub-token: 123xxxz
`-- path/to/your-hub-board-workspace
    |-- project-a
    |   |-- sprint-1.yaml
    |   `-- .hub-board-config.yaml    # owner: suzuki-hoge, repository: project-a
    |-- project-b
    |   |-- sprint-1.yaml
    |   `-- .hub-board-config.yaml    # owner: suzuki-hoge, repository: project-b
    `-- project-c
        |-- sprint-1.yaml
        `-- .hub-board-config.yaml    # git-hub-token: 789xxxg, zen-hub-token: 789xxxz, owner: suzuki-hoge, repository: project-c

if you execute hub-board at ~/board/project-b, hub-board find 123xxxg, 123xxxz, suzuki-hoge, and project-b.
if you execute hub-board at ~/board/project-c, hub-board find 789xxxg, 789xxxz, suzuki-hoge, and project-c.

helper sub command

read init sub command and new sub command.


proxy config is depends on either $HTTPS_PROXY or $https_proxy.

yaml description

yaml consists of 3 blocks, milestone block, default-pipeline block, and epics block, like this.

        title   : sprint 1
        start-on: 2019-04-01
        due-on  : 2019-04-12

default-pipeline: sprint backlog

  - new-epic:
      title: epic title 1
      body : epic body 1

        - title: issue title 1

  - existing-epic:
      number: 1

        - title: issue title 2

  - no-epic:
        - title: issue title 3

milestone block

milestone block is allowed to either new-milestone, existing-milestone, or no-milestone.

    # use new-milestone for start new sprint
        title   : sprint 1
        start-on: 2019-02-01
        due-on  : 2019-02-06
    # use existing-milestone for started sprint
        title: sprint 1
    # use no-milestone for non sprint
    no-milestone: true

this milestone block applies to all epics and issues in yaml. so 1 yaml represents 1 milestone ( = 1 sprint ).

default-pipeline block

this default-pipeline block also applies to all epics and issues in yaml. but unlike milestone block, you can over write at epics block and issues sub block. this block prevents "all epics and issues placed on the leftmost".

default-pipeline: sprint backlog

epics block

epics block is allowed to multiple either new-epic, existing-epic, or no-epic. existing-epic and no-epic must contain issues.

  # 1 issue create, and link to new epic
  - new-epic:
      title: epic title 1

        - title: issue title 1

  # create epic only
  - new-epic:
      title: epic title 2

  # 1 issue create, and link to epic ( #1 )
  - existing-epic:
      number: 1

        - title: issue title 2

  # 2 issues create, and no epic linking
  - no-epic:
        - title: issue title 3
        - title: issue title 4

issues sub block

issues sub block is allowed to following attributes.

attribute type required default
title string required -
body string not required empty
labels [string] not required no labels
assignees [string] not required no assignees
pipeline string not required default-pipeline
estimate int or double not required 0
        # full attributes
        - title    : issue title 1
          body     : issue body 1
          labels   : [setup]
          assignees: [suzuki-hoge]
          pipeline : sprint backlog
          estimate : 3

        # empty attributes ( use default )
        - title    : issue title 2
          body     :
          labels   : []
          assignees: []
          pipeline :
          estimate :

        # minimum attributes ( use default )
        - title    : issue title 3

        # multi lines body
        - title    : issue title 4
          body     : |
            # issue body 4
            + [ ] task 1
            + [ ] task 2
          estimate : 0.5

also, new-epic is allowed same attributes too.

  - new-epic:
      title    : epic title 1
      body     : epic body 1
      labels   : [dev]
      assignees: [suzuki-hoge]
      pipeline : backlog
      estimate : 5

version up (for developer)

stack build --test --copy-bins --local-bin-path publish/bin