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|                                                                      |
|                    GdI Samegame Project SS 2010                      |
|                                                                      |

| German Game Description:                                             |
|                                                                      |
| Im Spiel SameGame geht es darum, ein Spielfeld gefüllt mit           |
| Spielsteinen unterschiedlicher Farbe leerzuräumen. Dazu können       |
| schrittweise zusammenhängende Felder aus Steinen gleicher Farbe      |
| entfernt werden. Üblicherweise müssen mindestens zwei Steine         |
| gleicher Farbe ein Feld bilden—es kann aber auch eine andere Anzahl  |
| eingestellt werden. Damit Steine als zusammenhängend gelten, müssen  |
| sie sich an einer Seite berühren, also horizontal oder vertikal      |
| benachbart sind. Das Berühren von Ecken reicht nicht. Nachdem ein    |
| Feld von Steinen entfernt wurde, werden die entstandenen Lücken      |
| durch andere Steine aufgefüllt, indem die über einem entfernten      |
| Spielstein liegenden Spielsteine um ein Feld nach unten fallen. Beim |
| Entfernen mehrerer übereinander liegender Spielsteine fallen die     |
| darüber liegenden Steine entsprechend um die gleiche Anzahl Felder   |
| herab. Ist eine komplette Spalte leergeräumt, rücken die Steine von  |
| rechts nach links nach.                                              |
|                                                                      |
| Ein Spiel ist beendet, wenn das komplette Spielfeld leer ist oder    |
| kein Zug möglich ist, weil es keine zusammenhängenden Felder von     |
| gleichfarbigen Steinen mehr gibt.                                    |
|                                                                      |
| Das Ziel des Spiels ist es, eine möglichst hohe Punktzahl zu         |
| erreichen. Für jedes Level gibt es eine Zeitvorgabe. Man kann das    |
| Spiel auch nach Ablauf der Zeit weiterspielen. Jedoch erhält man     |
| dann weniger Punkte. Analog erhält man für frühzeitiges Beenden      |
| Zusatzpunkte.                                                        |

| Road-Map:                                                            |
|                                                                      |
| This Project is developped with 6 Milestones:                        |
|                                                                      |
| Minimum-Release: a bare minimum of functionality to run the          |
| application                                                          |
|                                                                      |
| Extension-Step-1-Release: based on the Minimum-Release with some     |
| extra functionallity like the parsing of extra level information or  |
| gamestate saving                                                     |
|                                                                      |
| Extension-Step-2-Release: based on the Extension-Step-1-Release with |
| additional features like a highscore list and gamestate undo/redo    |
| functionallity                                                       |
|                                                                      |
| Extension-Step-3-Release: based on the Extension-Step-2-Release with |
| additional features like a keybord controlls, and a level Generator  |
| function                                                             |
|                                                                      |
| Bonus-Extension-Step-Release: a step based on Extension-Step-3-Rel.  |
| with bonus features like Sound and I18N                              |
|                                                                      |
| Final-Release: a Release with all functionallity and features of the |
| previous Releases. This Release must be testet from outstanding      |
| People before the project can be estimate by the tutor               |
|                                                                      |
| All the mile stones are tagged in the git version history in the     |
| main branch. There is no time plan for the releases                  |

| Project Directory Strucure:                                          |
|                                                                      |
|       Directorys:                                                    |
|                                                                      |
|         bin/  ->   place where all the java binarys are compiled     |
|                    to                                                |
|                                                                      |
|         doc/  ->   place where the java-doc is compiled to           |
|                                                                      |
|         lib/  ->   place where the reference librarys could be       |
|                    found(eg. JUnit[version].jar, etc.)               |
|                                                                      |
|         src/  ->   place where the sourcecode of the project is      |
|                    located (for package-structur see the generated   |
|                    java-doc in doc/)                                 |
|                                                                      |
|        .git/  ->   git repository directory                          |
|                                                                      |
|         uml/  ->   place where the generated uml diagramms are found |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|       Important files:                                               |
|                                                                      |
|   .classpath  ->   .classpath file needed from eclipse to            |
|                    locate external jar's etc.                        |
|                                                                      |
|     .project  ->   Eclipse Project informations                      |
|                                                                      |
|   .gitignore  ->   File which contains the informations              |
|                    over the from git ignored files                   |
|                                                                      |
|    build.xml  ->   Ant-Build-File with various targets               |
|                                                                      |
|       README  ->   this file                                         |

| Git-Repository Politics:                                             |
|                                                                      |
| to keep a clean version a generateable content is ignored, like all  |
| java-bytecode, all java-doc-files, generateable umldiagramms and so  |
| on. This project is based on a an eclipse project and contains that  |
| configuration files. If you use your own IDE wich haves its own      |
| configuration files, please be sure to don't commit it. You can put  |
| the name of those files in a exclude file (.git/info/exclude) in     |
| your local repos.                                                    |
|                                                                      |
| Each new Release should be developped in it's own branch and then    |
| merged into the main branch, so that this branch just contains the   |
| last stable release.                                                 |

| .gitignore-File:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
| keep *.class-files, the whole content of the bin, the doc dir        |
| and the generate samegame.jar out of the version history             |

| Ant-Build-File:                                                      |
|      Build Targets:                                                  |
|                                                                      |
|      compile  ->   compile the whole java sourcode from the          |
|                    directory src tho bin                             |
|                                                                      |
|        debug  ->   compile sourcecode with debugging symbols         |
|                                                                      |
|      jar-bin  ->   build a jar archive of the project with SameGame  |
|                    Viewer as main class                              |
|                    Destination: lib/samegame-bin.jar                 |
|                                                                      |
|      jar-src  ->   build a jar archive of the project with the whole |
|                    source and the project structure                  |
|                    Destination: lib/samegame-src.jar                 |
|                                                                      |
|  test-report  ->   generate a html junit test report of all tests    |
|                    and open them in a browser                        |
|                    !!!IMPORTANT!!! Set the browser variable in the   |
|                    build.xml file                                    |
|                                                                      |
|          doc  ->   generate javadoc to the doc directory             |
|                                                                      |
|  doc-private  ->   generate javadoc also for private classes and     |
|                    fields                                            |
|                                                                      |
|          run  ->   build the jar file and execute it                 |
|                                                                      |
|        clean  ->   clean the bin and src directory                   |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|      Command-line-Usage:                                             |
|           - in Top-Level dir.: ant [target]                          |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|      Eclipse-Usage:                                                  |
|           - Right-Click on the build.xml file                        |
|           - Run-As                                                   |
|           - 2 Ant Build ...                                          |
|           - select targets and click on run                          |

| Used 3rd-partys librarys:                                            |
|                                                                      |
|  junit-4.8.2  ->   A Javacode Testing-Framework                      |
|                                       |
|                    it is distributed under Common Public License:    |
|                   |
|                                                                      |
| commons-lang-2.5.jar  ->   The Commons is an Apache project focused  |
|                    on all aspects of reusable Java components.       |
|                    it is distributed under the Apache v2 license     |
|                      |
|                                                                      |
| UmlGraph-5.3  ->   UMLGraph allows the declarative specification     |
|                    and drawing of UML class and sequence diagrams.   |
|                    it is distributed under the BSD license           |
|          |

| Code-Style-Conventions:                                              |
|                                                                      |
| Please keep your code clean and pretty.                              |
| - For readabillty don't let  your code lines be longer than 72       |
|   characters.                                                        |
| - please formate very big functions like this:                       |
|                                                                      |
|   @Override                                                          |
|   public static int foo(bar a,                                       |
|                         bar b,                                       |
|                         bar c)                                       |
|        throws FooBarException {                                      |
|        // a free line                                                |
|        // contents ....                                              |
|   }                                                                  |
|                                                                      |


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