Build the server using below instructions or use the container image to start the server.
docker run --name file-store-server -p 8080:8080 sghadi1203/file-store:latest
You can also use k8s deployment file to run the server.
Build the client using below instructions or use the binary from github release page of this repo.
# set server address for client
$ export FILE_STORE_SERVER="http://localhost:8080"
$ store help
ls List all files from store.
add file1 file2... Add files to store store.
update file1 file2... Update files in store store.
rm file1 file2... Remove files from store store.
freq-words --limit 10|-n 10 --order dsc|asc List count of each word. limit & order are optional flags.
go build ./cmd/server/server.go
This will produce server
go build ./cmd/client/store.go
This will produce store
client binary.