Tools for caching and serving encoded SVGs for Phoenix.
Add to your mix.exs
as usual:
def deps do
[{:svg, "~> 1.0"}]
If you're not using application inference, then add :svg
to your applications
Using the mix svg.encode
task, all references to svg files in your priv/static/css
will be replaced with the base64 encoded svg.
For example, if you have an app.css
file with the following contents:
.foo {
background-url: url(/icons/add.svg)
it will be transformed to this:
.foo {
background-url: url(...)
By default, task will look for SVGs in the /priv/static/images
You need to configure :svg
in your config.exs
config :svg, otp_app: :my_app # Replace :my_app
And then run the background server:
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
# .. Ecto, Repo, etc.
worker(SVG.Server, [])
# ...
The server will build up cache when the main application starts. It will concurrently read all svgs in your priv/static/images
folder and cache them in memory. You can then use the base64 encoded svgs like so:
<img src="<%=raw SVG.Server.get("icons/add") %>">
Where icons/add
corresponds to priv/static/images/icons/add.svg
on the filesystem. You may want to alias the server when using in templates:
alias SVG.Server, as: SVG
and then you can use SVG.get/1
See docs for functions available on the main SVG module.
Mix task for replacing svg refs in CSS- Option for URI-encoding instead of Base64
- Option for raw svg output (no encoding, just inline)
- Use SVGO if installed locally
- svg: See LICENSE file.