> npm install
> gulp
- run both tasksviews
gulp views
- compile pug files into html filesgulp build-sass
- compile scss files into css files
- for (var x = 1; x <= 5; x++)
p blok grid_3
Listed below are all options, with their defaults
$baseline-default: (
viewports: (
(alias: "small", max: 480px, columns: 3, fluid: false, override-container: 0px),
(alias: "medium", min: 481px, max: 768px, columns: 6, fluid: false, override-container: 0px),
(alias: "large", min: 769px, columns: 12, fluid: false, override-container: 0px)
zones: (
(columns: 12, blocks: (12, 9, 6, 3))
column-width: 80px,
grid-mq-small: 480px,
grid-mq-medium: 768px,
columns-small: 3,
columns-medium: 6,
columns-large: 12,
pushes: (),
pulls: (),
container-gutter: null,
gutter: 0,
outer-padding: 5px,
inner-padding: 5px,
debug-color: false
Viewports: settings to configurate viewport small/medium/large.
You can also configurate all viewports with one setting.
Dont forget the comma
after the map because otherwise you get a error in the map-has-key
For example:
$baseline-config: (
viewports: (
(alias: "all", max: 1023px, columns: 12, fluid: true, override-container: 0px),
max: max-width. min: min-width. columns: total columns. fluid: if this setting is true, the screen size changes, the proportion of elements will stay the same. The container and wrapper width will be 100%. override-container: if set, the container width will be overwritten. Zones: for which zones do you need the grid sizes to be calculated Per zone: for which blocks do you need the grid sizes to be calculated. Column-width: the absolute size of one column. In a 12-columns grid with a column size of 80px, the total width of the container will be 960px; Grid-mq-small: media query setting for a small viewport. Grid-mq-medium: media query setting for a medium viewport. Columns-small: the total columns in a small viewport. Columns-medium: the total columns in a medium viewport. Columns-large: the total columns in a large viewport. Pushes and pulls: the setting to push and pull the grid to the right or left. For example:
each column in [12]
include includes/grid-blok
each column in [3, 3, 3, { prefix: 2, column: 5, suffix: 2 }, 6, 3, 3, 6, 9 ]
include includes/grid-blok
each column in [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
include includes/grid-blok
The grid-zone grid_9 will be pushed 3 columns to the right with push_3. And the grid-zone grid_3 will be pulled 9 columns to the left with pull_9. Therefore, in the large viewport you can switch grid-zone grid_9 and grid-zone grid_3 from their places. And because the push and pull setting can only be applied in a large viewport, as soon as the viewport changes to medium, these grids will switch places again. So with the pushes and pulls settings you can visibly manipulate the dom. gutter: the space between the columns. container-gutter: if set, the total px will be added to the max-width for the grid-wrapper. gutter: the total px to calculate the width of a grid-blok. For example if the gutter is set to 0 the width of a grid-blok will be 100%, if the gutter is 7.5, the width will be calculated with calc(100% - 15px). The gutter is the empty space between element's. outer-padding: padding left and right for grid-element. inner-padding: padding left and right for grid-title and grid-inside.
- Create a scss file
- Define your config
- Import "mixins/baseline-loader"
$baseline-config: (
zones: (
(columns: 12, blocks: (12, 9, 6, 3)),
(columns: 9, blocks: (9, 6, 3)),
(columns: 6, blocks: (6, 3)),
(columns: 3, blocks: (3))
column-width: 100px,
gutter: 0,
outer-padding: 10px,
inner-padding: 10px
@import "mixins/baseline-loader";