"The frest taste of the arctic water,
the juicy flesh of the northern hare
and the glowing warmth of the campfireThese things are what life's about,
what makes a heart beat"
Cold World - A Tale of Aslak and Davy is a top-down, 2-player "hotseat", survivalgame. It is about keeping your heart beating and surviving in the harsh wilderness for as long as you can by keeping yourself warm, finding water and hunting for food. It's a wild, random world out there.
This game was developed for the Finnish Game Jam 2013 / Global Game Jam 2013
Instructions: WASD (Davy) / Arrow keys (Aslak) to move Stay near a bonfire to keep warm Stay near water to keep yourself hydrated Touch rabbits to kill them, then stay near them to eat their meat. Have fun!
Jaakko Saarenketo, production, game design, music
Sami Vuolli, software development
Mika Koponen, art, game design
Mikko Päivärinta, game design, audio
Juha Laakko, software development
Antti Kukkonen, software development
Sound effects by: bwaw, gmarchisio, mallement (www.freesound.org)
Game objects library Will McGugan