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Production Build - NO LONGER ACTIVE - for active development see SwarmCitySite

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Swarm City

Note: The active development has moved to Swarm City Site

Swarm City


Build Status

Refactor of Boardwalk in Polymer 2.0


We actively welcome community contributions. Below are a set of instructions to get your dev environment setup. We have a living Production Wiki detailing what, how and why we are developing this production release. Once setup head on over to the issues and see what's marked for contributions welcome.

  • Keep a lookout for weekend "Tidy-up" sprints, and issues labeled with "Contributions Welcome" these are a great way to meet the team and get started making contributions.

Setup version control & clone

grab a copy of Source Forge or Gitkracken then clone the repo!

Install development environment

next install Polymer CLI using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g polymer-cli

Install Bower using npm

npm install -g bower

Linux permissions issues can be solved by adding --allow-root

Bower install

bower install

After install check to see which version of chai you have installed:

bower ls | grep chai

If chai is a version lower than 4.0.2 install it manually:

bower i -D chai

npm install

npm install

Docker install

alias dc='docker-compose'
dc build prplserver && dc up prplserver
dc build contracts
dc build lint

Linting with eslint

Ensuring the code base stays clean and standardized we need all merges to pass linting

npm run lint

If you're on Windows, add the following line to .eslintrc.json to make sure linebreaks are read correctly:

"linebreak-style": ["error", "windows"]

Test with Mocha and Chai via WCT

polymer test -p

On Windows systems the tests might fail on their first run if the firewall permissions have yet to be set


Ensure the project builds before testing

polymer build


polymer serve

polymer serve
polymer serve build/production


netlify deploy, set the deploy directory to build/production

npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify deploy

Truffle compile/deploy/test

truffle migrate --reset --compile-all
truffle test ./test/contracts/arcTokenTest.js

Browser Testing


Thanks to the support of BrowserStack we can do real cross browser testing on multiple desktop and mobile platforms.