This is a modified version of vC-input by vCodeScripts
- Some functions have been rewritten to be compatible with qb input
- I still need to add somemissing inputs like(checkbox and radiobox)
- Removed notification function and added it to NUI itself
- It will highlights required items with
local inputData, reason = exports['keep-input']:ShowInput({
-- background_color = 'red',
-- submitText = 'SEND', -- will be show as if not used 'ACCEPT'
inputs = {
type = 'number',
isRequired = true, -- or required both are valid
name = 'cost_of_rental',
text = 'price for renting this booth?', -- some elements has this value as their placeholder
icon = 'fa-solid fa-money-bill-trend-up',
title = 'Rental Cost' -- If there is no title, the name is used as the title
type = 'password',
isRequired = true,
name = 'password',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-money-bill-trend-up',
title = 'Password'
text = "Some Select", -- text you want to be displayed as a input header
name = "someselect", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "select", -- type of the input - Select is useful for 3+ amount of "or" options e.g; someselect = none OR other OR other2 OR other3...etc
options = { -- Select drop down options, the first option will by default be selected
{ value = "none", text = "None" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other", text = "Other" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other2", text = "Other2" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other3", text = "Other3" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other4", text = "Other4" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other5", text = "Other5" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other6", text = "Other6" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
-- default = 'other3', -- Default select option, must match a value from above, this is optional
print(inputData.someselect ,inputData.cost_of_rental, reason)