Mountable Rails engine to create OTRS tickets over the generic webservices interface.
- tested with rails 4.1 and ruby 2.0
- may run with rails 3.2 and ruby 1.9.3
gem 'ottrick', git: '' , branch: "master"
Add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'ottrick', git: '' , branch: "master"
gem 'ottick', git: '', branch: "master"
gem 'wobapphelpers', git: '', branch: "master"
gem 'simple_form', git: '', branch: 'master'
Ottrick creates a ticket in OTRS and stores some ticket data like queue, sender, subject, body, OTRS ticket number and OTRS ticket id in the database as model Ottrick::Ticket. You can use ottrick itself, but the intended use is as helper for other models. Think about an application for record meetings and writing protocols. OTRS should be use for tracking activities:
class Protocol < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tickets, as: :ticketfor, class: Ottrick::Ticket
is polymorphic association. To access your models from Ottrick::Ticket,
your models have to be set in config.ticketfor_types
(see Configuration).
The ottrick_tickets#new form should be called from protocols#show prefilled with
sender, subject and text from protocols. After execute create ottrick_tickets
ticket number and ticket id returned from OTRS are also stored in ottrick_ticket object.
The Ottrick::Ticket#new form uses a polymorphic selector which groups all possible objects configured in ticketfor_types by model. Ottrick comes with a small javascript helper to narrow the possible object selection to the preselected model type. Add the following line to your application.js:
//= require ottrick/ottrick
Create an initializer and edit it for your needs:
rails g ottrick:install
Ottrick.setup do |config|
config.ticketfor_types = ["Protocol"]
config.ticket_zoom_url = "http://localhost/otrs/"
# ---
# configuration for OTRS generic interface
config.wsdl = "/path/to/GenericTicketGenerator.wsdl"
config.endpoint = "http(s)://yourhost/otrs/"
config.otrs_user = your_valid_otrs_user
config.otrs_passwd = your_valid_otrs_password
More configuration options for the OTRS generic interface can be found in swobspace/ottick/lib/ottick.rb. Use it on your own risk. Changing defaults may break ottrick.
If you have set AuthModule
to Kernel::System::Auth::HTTPBasicAuth
in OTRS/Kernel/, you need to set http authentication params too:
Ottrick.setup do |config|
config.http_auth_user = your_valid_otrs_and_http_user
config.http_auth_passwd = your_valid_http_password
In case of HTTP authentication, http_auth_user must be a valid otrs user and be able to login via http. All actions to read and create tickets in otrs are done with http_auth_user. otrs_user and otrs_passwd must be specified, but are only used as dummy. This is the current behavior of the OTRS generic interface implementation and may change in the future.
A simple example is the spec/dummy application included in this rails engine.
ottrick Copyright (C) 2014 Wolfgang Barth
MIT license, see LICENSE