This project is a population growth simulation for Yoda's species. It accounts for the following variables:
-starting population
-infant mortality
-available food resources: frogs and mushrooms
-harvested food resources: frogs and mushrooms
-chances of total obliteration by the Death Star
12-21-20: Added intial simulation model with hard-coded values. Next push I intend to include a UI that allows the user to control the values of the variables and visualize the output.
12-24-20: Created a Flask server to host web application,
Thank you to Terence Shin of towardsdatascience.com for his resources on building population simulations.
More information can be found at: https://towardsdatascience.com/building-simulations-in-python-a-complete-walkthrough-3965b2d3ede0
Thanks to Jon Chase and Popular Mechanics for more information on the life cycle and maturity of the Yoda species. Read the article at the following link: