This is a simple python script to clear the noise out of audio files and remove the silence parts, mostly for voice recordings. This script automatically detects silence in audio files and determines the noise threshold based on it, in case if you need to batch-process a lot of files with different noise levels.
Uses librosa, scipy, numpy and matplotlib to plot itermediate results if needed.
The simplest usage example is provided at the end of the script. It loads the sound from test/in.wav and outputs the processed signal to test/out.wav.
process_sr = 22050
output_sr = 44100
gate_filters, gate_filters_freqs = build_gate_filter_bank(process_sr, 30, 10000, 30)
smp = process_sound('test/in.wav',
channel = -1,
gate_filters=gate_filters, gate_filters_freqs = gate_filters_freqs,
process_sr=process_sr, output_sr = output_sr,
nt = 0.5, min_threshold_db=6,
draw = True)
librosa.output.write_wav('test/out.wav', smp, output_sr)
- find_signal(smp, sr, nd_softness, nd_threshold, nd_timesmooth, draw)
Returns an array with a length equal to the input sound length in samples (len(smp)) containing 1 for areas with voice, and 0 for silence areas. Parameters:- smp, sr - input sound sample and it's sample rate
- nd_softness - softness of the noise-voice gate. Lower values will make the gate more harsh, higher values will make the gate softer. 1.0 for standard softness.
- nd_threshold - threshold for the noise-voice gate
- nd_timesmooth - determines how much the signal areas will be enlargen in seconds. If set to 0.5, for example, then approx. 0.5 seconds of silence will be present in front and in the back of each voice area.
- draw - if set to true, this function will draw some intermediate results using matplotlib.
- sound_filtered_gate(smp, sr, thresholds, gate_filters, stretch_gate, draw, gate_attack, gate_release)
Applies a per-frequency band gate to the sound smp. Returns a noise-filtered sound sample. Parameters:- smp, sr - input sound sample and it's sample rate
- thresholds - an array of thresholds (floats) for each frequency band.
- gate_filters - bank (array) of SOS filters to split the sound into frequency bands. This bank can be built using build_gate_filter_bank.
- gate_filters_freqs - border frequencies of gate_filter filters. Must be of length len(gate_filters)+1. Must be passed if you are using single-value gate_attack or gate_release.
- stretch_gate - how much the areas which passed the gate should be stretched in time, in seconds. Pretty much the same as the nd_timesmooth in previous function.
- gate_attack - gate attack, in seconds. Can be an array. If not an array, gate_attack will be computed for each frequency band using compute_AR_freq
- gate_release - gate release, in seconds. Can be an array. If not an array, gate_release will be computed for each frequency band using compute_AR_freq
- draw - if set to true, this script will draw the original sample waveform along with lines indicating in which areas each frequency band volume passed the gate.
- process_sound(ifn, channel, gate_filters, process_sr, output_sr, nt, min_threshold_db, retain_noise_shape, no_silence, draw)
Loads the sound ifn, applies a highpass filter, finds noise and voice areas and then processes the sample with the sound_filtered_gate function using automatically found thresholds. Returns an array containing the processed sound. Parameters:- ifn - input filename.
- channel - which audio channel to use. If set to -1, the sound will be converted to mono.
- gate_filters - see gate_filters parameter for the previous function. If not set, filter bank will be built inside the function.
- gate_filters_freqs - see gate_filters_freqs parameter for the previous function. If not set, filter bank will be built inside the function.
- process_sr - processing sample rate
- output_sr - output sample rate. If set to None, the output sample rate will be the same as the input one.
- nt - noise threshold, from 0 to 1. 0 is the noise volume, 1 is the average voice volume.
- min_threshold_db - noise volume is amplified by this amount of decibels, so that the threshold will be higher.
- retain_noise_shape - if set to true, then the determined threshold values will have the same spectral form as the noise.
- no_silence - if set to True, only areas containing voice will be processed and returned.
- draw - whether to set the draw to true for previous two functions.
First of all, using librosa.onset.onset_strength()
onset volume is found in each time frame of 512 samples. This array is then smoothed using moving average with length of 50 samples. Then, a histogram with 10 bins is build based in this data. Usually it contains two peaks: one near zero (silence) and one a bit higher (voice). The second peak's position is found using scipy.signal.find_peaks
. The peak is "approximated" with a gauss function with sigma set to nd_softness * fwhm / 2.355
, where fwhm is the full-width half maximum found using scipy.signal.peak_widths
. Next, the value of this gauss function for each time frame is found. Frames where the obtained value is lower than nd_threshold (silence) are set to 0, others (voice) are set to 1. Finally, the voice areas are stretched using stretch_threshold
. Before returning the final array, it is resized to match the len(smp)
The input sample first of all is split into different frequency bands using the provided gate_filters
filter bank using LR2 filter. For each separate frequency band the volume dependence on time is found using signal_volume()
with 0.1 second window. This array is then thresholded, with threshold being set by thresholds
for each frequency band separately. Areas containing 1
are then stretched by stretch_gate
seconds, and, finally, an attack-release envelope is built for this gate signal using attack_release()
. Finally, obtained attack-release enveloped are applied to each frequency band (multiplied with them) and all frequency bands are summed back together, which constitutes the output sound.
Load the sound using librosa.load
, grab the required channel
, resample it to process_sr
. A high-pass filter is then applied to filter out any DC offset and the sound is normalized. The sound sample is then split into noise and voice using find_signal()
. Both noise and voice are split into different frequency bands, average volume is found for each frequency band. Noise volumes are amplified by min_threshold_db decibels. Noise thresholds are then determined as noise_avg_volume + (voice_avg_volume - noise_avg_volume) * nt
for each frequency band; if voice volume is lower than the noise volume for any frequency band, the noise threshold at that frequency band is then set to the noise volume. If retain_noise_shape = True
, then maximum threshold/noise volume ratio is found across all frequency bands and noise threshold is set to noise volume multiplied by that ratio. Finally, the sound is processed using sound_filtered_gate()
with determined noise thresholds. If no_silence
is set to True
, then only areas containing voice (found recently using find_signal()
) are processed and returned. Before output, the sound is resampled to output_sr
Most probably you will need to change some parameters according to your particular case. I'd start with the nt parameter. If find_signal()
truncates the voice areas or removes short samples of voice, try increasing nd_timesmooth
. Set draw to True
to see what exactly the script does. If the voice sounds muffled sometimes, then, most probably, high frequencies did not pass the gate. Try lowering nt
or increasing spread_gate
. You may also want to play with gate_attack
and gate_release
parameters - increase gate_release
if end of phrases are cut out, lower gate_attack
if phrases beginnings are cut out.
Filter bank is required to be built only once. You can build it and then batch process all your files without rebuilding it.
- If no noise areas were found, an exception is thrown. I'd just attach a second of silence at the end of each sample to guarantee that there will be some silence.
- The noise reduction is good, but not perfect. But, as a tradeoff, this script can retain the signal mostly without artifacts.
- Voice-noise splitting for the no_silense=True output should be done after the gate processing, not before it.
- gauss(value, mean, sigma) - gauss function (normalized to 1 on peak)/li>
- gauss_mx(value, mean, sigma) - same, but returns 1 for all values > mean
- moving_average(x, n) - moving average using numpy.cumsum (implementation taken from
- stretch_threshold(x, n) - "spreads" areas in array containing "1" by n elements. Works by applying a moving average and a threshold then
- signal_volume(smp, sr, window) - returns the dependence of signal volume on time. smp is the input sound, sr is the sample rate, window is the volume-averaging window in seconds
- avg_signal_volume(smp) - returns average signal volume.
- max_signal_volume(smp) - returns max signal volume (unused)
- attack_release(x, attack, release) - applies a linear attack and release to an array containing "1" or "0". Attack and release are given in samples, not seconds (in number of array elements).
- build_gate_filter_bank(sr, fmin = 10, fmax = 20000, nfilt = 10) - builds a bandpass filter bank to split the sound into different frequency bands. fmin and fmax are minimum/maximum frequencies, nfilt is the number of frequency bands.
- apply_gate_filter_bank(smp, filters) - splits the signal into multiple frequency bands using the filter bank provided in `filters`. Each filter is applied twice.
- compute_ar_freq(x, freqs, x_at_freq) - computes attack or release for each frequency band assuming that the attack/release x is set for frequency x_at_freq.