Not really for public use. The scripts here will make sure monerod is online and updated, they also will make sure tor stays online limiting downtime. The scripts will restart tor and reboot the server if needed. You should follow my recommended setup but it can be ran however you want just make sure you edit all the variables in the scripts to match your setup.
This was created on debian so stick to ubuntu based distros or you will need to modify the script
NOTE: This requires the following dependencies
sudo apt install tmux wget gnupg curl
- Create a new user named monerod. (This user should not be sudo)
- Move the xmrnode directory to the monerod users home directory and make sure monerod user owns all the files.
- Edit the config file with the correct api key for pushover and correct urls with ports in the vars (Also edit other vars if needed)
- Create .bitmonero directory in the home directory of the monerod user, then add the given config file inside the .bitmonero directory (bitmonero.conf)
- Add the first crontab to the Monerod users crontabs
- Add the second crontab to the root users crontabs
Monerod users crontab: (Edit the path if needed)
* * * * * cd /home/monerod/xmrnode && /home/monerod/xmrnode/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Root users crontab:
* * * * * cd /home/monerod/xmrnode && /home/monerod/xmrnode/ >/dev/null 2>&1