Kotlin springboot project using a generated API from a swagger file
Using the petstore.yml example. We are going to use openapi-generator which is a fork from the swagger-codegen.
You need to install:
brew install openapi-generator
Then run it using your swagger yaml file and if you have your config file. You can also specify some global properties as key=value pairs. (Find the configuration for java and kotlin)
openapi-generator generate -i src/main/resources/swagger/petstore.yml -g kotlin-spring --config src/main/resources/api-config.json
# openapi-generator generate -i ../src/main/resources/swagger/petstore.yml -g kotlin-spring --config ../src/main/resources/api-config.json --global-property apiTests=true,modelTests=true,apiDocs=true,modelDocs=true
This will create the project with a build.gradle.kts
(and also a pom.xml
for maven).
For gradle, the wrapper won't be created automatically, you can do so by running:
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 4.8 --distribution-type all
./gradlew assemble
The syntax used in the generated build.gradle.kts is rather old and might not be compatible with gradle 7.0+.
Then you need to create the PetApiServiceImpl
that implements PetApiService
and add it to the PetApiController
implementing PetApi
class PetApiController : PetApi {
override lateinit var service: PetApiServiceImpl
This service is where you can start adding your own implementation of the Petshop. (Because the swagger yaml only generate the endpoints, it's not that magical!)
The generated code is a bit lacking and will require some changes to be working and up to date.
To build the project using gradle, run:
gradle build && java -jar build/libs/openapi-spring-1.0.0.jar
If all builds successfully, the server should run on http://localhost:8080/
If you want to customize or use the generated classes for something else. You can use the org.openapi.generator plugin in your code like:
plugins {
id("org.openapi.generator") version "5.1.1"
openApiGenerate {
// Add the generated sources to your project
The api-config can also be added directly within the openApiGenerate
gradle task.
The inputSpec
is the swagger file that the code will be generated from.