Kona is a wiki written in Perl based on DBIx::Class, Plack::Request, with a bit of my own magic tossed in. Its primary reason for existing is split between wanting to make something generic like a wiki in this type of an environment and my dissatisfaction in current wiki products.
Its name got based on this conversation:
<SymKat> Name my project, what do I call a wiki?
<Friend> Kona.
<SymKat> After the coffee?
<Friend> Yes, Hawaiian, wiki, hula hula.
<SymKat> I think you have won.
- PostgreSQL
- lighttpd
- Perl
- local::lib
- strictures
- indirect
- Template
- Text::MultiMarkdown
- DBIx::Class
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp
- DBD::Pg
- Plack
- DateTime
- DateTime::Format::Pg
- File::MMagic
- FCGI::ProcManager
- Install depedencies. To install the CPAN Modules, I recommend cpanminus.
- Configure PostgreSQL:
- Create a user and database.
- Import conf/sql/schema-*.sql;
- Edit configuration in conf/development.yaml to include authentication credentials.
- Configure lighttpd based on the configuration file conf/lighttpd.conf
- Run the app via command: plackup -s FCGI -l dispatch.fcgi
- Ryan Voots -- HTML/CSS