In the 21st century, lack of a proper waste management system is one of the
biggest problems faced around the world. Out of the 62 million tonnes of
waste generated annually, only 43 million tonnes is collected, out of which
11.9 million tonnes is treated and 31 million tonnes is dumped in landfill
sites. This system urgently calls for a change.
According to a study, you can actually improve and reduce this waste by
over 15% just by segregating it properly at the first hand.
Owing to this, we are introducing a start-up idea, Klear – a mobile app
for waste management.
Through our app, we encourage people to
contribute to reducing the amount of waste by ensuring that a proper waste
segregation system is followed.
- In our app, we have inculcated a mathematical solution using convolutional
neural networks (a machine learning interface) created by us that lets users
classify their waste into different 7 different classes and further place a
pickup order through our app. This makes it easier for the users to
conveniently segregate and dispose their waste. Instead of dumping that
waste, we deliver it to the recyclers for better utilisation. This way we’re
saving the environment. For incentivizing our solution, the users also earn
Klear Credits in the form of digital money in proportion to the waste
contributed which can be further used on e-commerce portals.
- For instance, if a user does not want to sell his ‘waste’, he can use the DIY
feature of our app. The DIY feature gives out various step-by-step best out
of waste suggestions in reference to the waste the user has classified.
- We also allow our users to donate the digital money earned by selling their waste through the Klear Donation Form. We have ties with local NGOs, blind schools, orphanages, and old-age homes that receive the digital money you donate through our app.