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Cli, Labeler, Labtune

cluster qualification, labeling, label management, console ui

  • Cli: 클러스터, 레이블, Qualifier 정보를 확인하고, 수작업으로 Qualifier를 설정하는 프로그램
  • Labeler: REconverge가 생성한 클러스터에게 Label을 지정하고, Qualification을 수행하는 프로그램
  • Labtune: 레이블을 관리하는 프로그램


  • 콘솔 UI를 통해서 클러스터를 검색, Qualifer 설정, Auto qualification/labeling 결과 확인
  • 사용방법: cli <model-name>
    • 프로그램을 실행해서 "/help" 명령으로 도움말 확인
  • 역할:
    • labeler가 auto qualification/labeling한 결과를 UI를 통해서 검증.
    • 수작업으로 cluster qualifier를 설정.
    • (TODO) 수작업으로 레이블 부여하거나 수정.
    • 수작업으로 설정한 label/qualifier와 자동 분류한 결과를 비교.


  • Auto qualification/labeling program
  • 사용방법: labeler <model-name>
  • cluster qualification and labeling
  • cluster의 qualifier에 따른 label 매칭 결과를 이용해서 레이블 토큰들에 대한 enable/disable 자동화 작업


  • Label tuner. A program to tune labels.
  • Usage: labtune [<model-name>]
    • use /help command to see help message.
  • Purpose:
    • Json 형식의 Threat description 파일을 읽어서 Label을 DB 등록/관리한다.
    • labeler의 실행 결과로부터 레이블 혹은 레이블의 토큰/키워드 등의 사용 통계를 확인하고, 레이블을 튜닝하도록 지원한다.
  • Threat description. (= Label or threat Label)
    • Json file to describe threats.
    • Fields of this file: label name, description, references, samples, keywords, signature
  • Dictionary
    • 프로그램이 threat description의 samples에서 추출한 토큰들, 사용자가 입력한 토큰들, 프로그램이 REconverge의 Benign/Suspicious 클러스터에서 추출한 토큰들로 구성된 사전
    • The disabled tokens of labels consists of dictionary (currently).
  • Token, keywords, signature, dictionary
    • Token: Program extract it from the samples of threat description. User can only enable/disable tokens of labels.
    • Keywords: 샘플에서 추출한 단어 혹은 단어들 혹은 문자열로 구성. Exact matching으로 활용됨. 사용자가 직접 입력/수정. 이후 프로그램이 수집하는 것으로 바뀔 수 있음.
    • Signature: Regular expressions. (currently) Signatures read from threat descriptions.
    • Dictionary: Disabled tokens, and tokens collected from the benign clusters.

Labtune commands

  • /add keywords|signature <value>
    This command is to add keyword or regex signature And allowed only in label.

    • Example:
    Labels [2]# /label #100054
    Labels (Label #100054) /add keywords SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY: SUCCESS,?action=file_download
    Keywords "SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY: SUCCESS,?action=file_download" added.
    Labels (Label #100054) 
      [18]: ["SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY: SUCCESS", "?action=file_download"]
      [19]: ["application/json"]
      [20]: ["site_name "]
      [38]: ["SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY: SUCCESS", "?action=file_download"]
    • Comma(,) is delimiter. If you want to enter more than one keyword, use commna(,) without space before and after comma.
    • The space character would be treated as part of keywords.
    • /save command should be run after add or remove to save changes.
  • /remove keywords|signature <pattern-no>
    This command is allowed only in label.

    • Example: /remove keywords 38
    • pattern-no is the leading number of keywords. Whenever run this /remove keywords|signature command runs, the pattern-no will be changed. Thus you should check it before run this command.
  • /enable <token-list>, /disable <token-list>

Threat Description

  • Json syntax. => Should support STIX
  • Name: Unique key. Duplicate not allowed.
  • References: Reference sites and CVE codes, etc. (Multiple)
  • Samples: Sample messages. As many as possible.
  • Keywords: Uniquly identifiable statement list extracted from the samples.
    • Not regular expression.
    • Tokens are generate automatically and used automatically also and user cannot control tokens-related things but it's possible that user can add/remove keywords for labels.
    • In the next example, the 3 words - "scripts", "setup.php", "ZmEu" - are matched orderly or 1 word - "ZmEu" - matched, then the label - "Web Vulnerability Scanner(Zgrab) - Type IV" - will be allocated to the target.
  • Signature: regular expressions.


	"Name": "Web Vulnerability Scanner(Zgrab) - Type IV",
	"Description": "ZmEu is a computer vulnerability scanner which searches for web servers that are open to attack through the phpMyAdmin program,\n It also attempts to...",
	"References": ["CVE-001010", ""],
	"Samples": [
		"GET / HTTP/1.1 ZmEu",
		"GET /scripts/setup.php HTTP/1.1 ZmEu",
		"GET / HTTP/1.1 ZmEu",
		"GET /phpMyAdmin-2.5.6/scripts/setup.php HTTP/1.1 ZmEu"],
	"Keywords": [["scripts", "setup.php", "ZmEu"], ["ZmEu"]],
	"Signature": ["scripts.+setup\\.php.+ZmEu"]

Cli commands

  • /load [force] <filename>
    • load Threat Descriptions and convert it to Label and save to DB.
    • 같은 이름의 Label을 덮어쓰려면 force 옵션을 사용해야한다. (not yet implemented)
    • ex) /load samples/w*.json
  • /export [ ...] | [with ]
    • export label to json file or all labels to threat db file with description.
    • ex) /export 123456 654321 453521
    • ex) /export with collected from JB bank web analysis log
  • /remove label <label-id> <label-id> ...
    • remove Labels. This work would not applied to DB before executing save command.
  • /save
    • save all modified things to database: remove labels and all changes of tokens, keywords, signature
  • /disable <token> <token> ...
    • disable tokens of the Label in the label mode or all Labels.
    • User should run save command to apply the changes to DB.
  • /enable <token> <token> ...
    • enable tokens of the Label in the label mode or all Labels.
    • User should run save command to apply the changes to DB.
  • #<label-id>
    • begin label mode with the specified label.
    • User can see the detail information of the label and can manage token, keywords, signature.
    • The changes for token, keywords, signature in the label mode applied only to the label.
    • "/x" : Exit from the label mode
  • <page-no>
    • jump to the page number.


Label: import -> not to save directly

  • Not yet implemented
    • /add keyword <keyword>
    • /remove keyword <keyword-id>
    • /add signature <signature>
    • /remove signature <signature-id>
    • /dict
    • /collect <model-name> : REconverge가 생성한 클러스터로부터 dict/signature/keywords 수집.
    • /export label|dict <filename>
  1. labtune: 모든 threat description 파일을 하나의 파일로 묶어서 관리.
  2. [DONE] cli: 버그. 같은 레이블 이름이 중복으로 보이는 문제
  3. [DONE] label에 매치된 클러스터 모아서 보기
  4. labeler, labtune: label token에 대한 추천: suspicious, benign 매칭 비율 보여주기
  5. cli: 클러스터의 Status, Tokens 요약 정보를 보여주기. Auto qualification & label matching 결과에 대한 검증용도.
  6. STIX format 지원


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