A dataframe for Dart
From csv:
final df = await DataFrame.fromCsv('dataset/stocks.csv');
fromCSV parses files according to the csv standard, including support for escape double quotes (see: RFC4180).
Note: the type of the records are infered from the data. The first line of the csv must contains the headers for the column names. Optional parameters:
: the string format of the date: reference. Ex: MMM dd yyyy
: the column to be treated as a timestamp. Ex: timestamp
: the format of the timestamp: seconds, milliseconds or microseconds. Ex: TimestampFormat.microseconds
: set to true to print some info
From records:
final rows = <Map<String, dynamic>> rows[
<String, dynamic>{'col1': 21, 'col2': 'foo', 'col3': DateTime.now()},
<String, dynamic>{'col1': 22, 'col2': 'bar', 'col3': DateTime.now()},
final df = DataFrame.fromRows(rows);
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows = df.rows;
// select a subset of rows
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> rows = df.subset(0,100);
/// select records for a column
final List<double> values = df.colRecords<double>('col2');
/// select list of records
final List<List<dynamic>> records = df.records;
Add data:
// add a row
df.addRow(<String,dynamic>{'col1': 1, 'col2': 2.0});
// add a line of records
df.addRecord(<dynamic>[1, 2.0]);
Remove data:
// remove the third row
// limit the dataframe to 100 rows starting from index 30
df.limit(100, startIndex: 30);
Copy a dataframe:
// get a new dataframe from the existing one
final DataFrame df2 = df.copy_();
// get a new dataframe with limited data
final DataFrame df2 = df.limit_(100);
Nulls and zeros:
final int n = df.countNulls_('col1');
final int n = df.countZeros_('col1');
final int mean = df.mean('col1');
final int sum = df.sum('col1');
final int max = df.max('col1');
final int min = df.min('col1');
final int numRecords= df.length;
final List<DataFrameColumn> cols = df.columns;
final List<String> colNames = df.columnsNames;
// print info and sample data
// like head with a bit more details
All the dataframe operations are inplace. All the methods that return objects end with an underscore. Example:
// inplace
// get a new dataframe with limited data
final DataFrame df2 = df.limit_(30);
Vocabulary conventions:
- A row is a map of key/values pair
- A record is a single cell value
- An index is a row position
- An indice is a column position