Script to automate use of Allure Reporter on continuous integration environments.
- Batch PDF generation of test reports
- Automated upload of test results to JAMA contour (
Not available yet
- Clone this repository
- Install NPM dependencies
> git clone
> npm install
Prior to the execution of this script, a JSON configuration file needs to be created and the following environment variables need to be set:
- ALLURE_REPORTER_CI_WORKSPACE: Absolute path of the workspace where the Allure test reports to be processed are stored.
- ALLURE_REPORTER_CI_CONFIG_FILE: Relative path (regards to the workspace path) where the JSON configuration file is stored.
Finally, this script is executed by running the following command:
npm run report
The Allure test reports to be processed by this script as well as the actions to be performed with them are defined using a JSON configuration file like the following one:
"website": "",
"projects": [
"name": "FirstProject",
"inputFolderPath": "project1/input",
"outputFolderPath": "project1/output",
"saveAsPDF": true,
"uploadToJAMA": false
"name": "SecondProject",
"inputFolderPath": "project2/input",
"outputFolderPath": "project2/output",
"saveAsPDF": true,
"uploadToJAMA": false
Provided paths should be relative to the workspace folder defined using ALLURE_REPORTER_CI_WORKSPACE environment variable.
See test/configuration folder for more complete examples of configuration files.
The URL where the AllureReporter tool is deployed can be defined by means of the website
top-level attribute of the JSON configuration file.
This script can be used with any Allure report that can be read by the AllureReporter tool. See allure-reporter repository for details.
This feature is enabled by setting to true the saveAsPDF
attribute of the projects defined into the configuration file. Then, the script will load all the Allure reports found under the inputFolderPath
folder and generate a PDF file for each one. These PDFs will be left on the folder defined by the outputFolderPath