This project is an application skeleton for a typical .NET Core WEB API application. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your projects and dev environment.
The seed contains a Patient Management sample Web API.
The app doesn't do much, just shows how to use different .NET Core patterns and other suggested tools together:
- .NET Core 2.2.0
- Entity Framework Core 6.0
- Swagger
- AutoMapper
- Local database
- Logging
- xUnit with Moq
- Allure
To get you started you can simply clone the seed-dotnet
You need git to clone the seed-dotnet repository. In order to build the application you will need Visual Studio 2017 and .Net Core.
Clone the seed-dotnet
repository using git:
git clone
cd seed-dotnet
If you just want to start a new project without the seed-dotnet commit history then you can do:
git clone --depth=1 <your-project-name>
The depth=1 tells git to only pull down one commit worth of historical data.
Once you have the repository cloned, open the visual studio solution 'seed_dotnet.sln'
The solution contains the Web API and the Unit Test project (unfinished).
First you should install "scoop", follow the steps described in this link: scoop After the installation have been finished, execute the follow commands:
scoop install allure
If you already have installed Allure and you want to update the application execute the follow command:
scoop update allure
You have two options:
You have two scripts, one is to run the project app (use this option to integrate the FrontEnd that you want) and the other is to run all the tests and view the results in the allure application test.
To acceess to swagger:
To run the project, press the run button provided by Visual Studio. The browser will be opened with the included swagger page. The start point can be changed in the 'launchSettings.json'.
After login (with username Systelab and password Systelab), copy the Token returned in the Authorization field before running any other REST end point.
Chrome rejects automatically requests made from Angular to endpoints with untrusted certificates.
To accept local signed certificates on development, paste this url on navigation bar chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and enable the setting "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost"
To send an email you need to configure the SMTP host, SMTP Username, and SMTP password. This solution is allowing you to send an email example using the SMTP configuration you provided.
There is an Automated Build Task in Docker Cloud in order to build the Docker Image. This task, triggers a new build with every git push to your source code repository to create a 'latest' image. There is another build rule to trigger a new tag and create a 'version-x.y.z' image
You can always manually create the image with the following command:
docker build -t systelab/seed-dotnet .
The image created, will contain the deployment of the aspnetcore application
docker run -p 13080:13080 systelab/seed-dotnet
The app will be available at http://localhost:13080
See Documentation section for further details about other technical specifications.