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Optimizing Python code by calling into Rust


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This is an extension to my original optimization-demo article.

The previous article was about optimizing a tiny bit of Python code by replacing it with its C++ counterpart.

In this article we will replace the C++ code with a call into a library built with Rust.

Let's get started by implementing the opening handshake in Rust.

use sha1::Sha1;
use sha1::Digest;

pub fn sec_websocket_accept(key: &str) -> String {
    let mut concat_key = String::with_capacity(key.len() + 36);
    let hash = Sha1::digest(concat_key.as_bytes());

The Python we are using is cpython, hence the name suggests the interpreter is implemented in C and it can call into C/C++ code very easily. Luckily Rust can expose a C api and build a static library accessible from C/C++. To do so we need to add an exported method.

pub extern fn rust_accept(key: *const u8, result: *mut u8) {
    unsafe {
        let source = std::slice::from_raw_parts(key, 24);
        let source_str = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(source);
        let modified_str = sec_websocket_accept(source_str);
        let dest = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(result, 28);

And on the C++ side we can add an extern function.

extern "C" void rust_accept(const char * key, char * result);

Calling this function from C++ will call into our Rust code.

PyObject * meth_rust_accept(PyObject * self, PyObject * arg) {
    char result[28];
    Py_ssize_t len = 0;
    const char * key = PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(arg, &len);
    if (!key || len != 24) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid key");
        return NULL;
    rust_accept(key, result);
    return PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(result, 28);

Now we have two methods available:

  • the first one calls sec_websocket_accept() implemented in C++
  • the second calls sec_websocket_accept() implemented in Rust

All the other code, including validation, is identical.

We can now extend the and see the results.

from mymodule import c_accept, rust_accept

def test_optimized_code(benchmark):
    assert benchmark(c_accept, 'dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==') == 's3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo='

def test_rust_code(benchmark):
    assert benchmark(rust_accept, 'dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==') == 's3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo='


Name (time in ns)           Mean            StdDev              Median            OPS (Mops/s)
test_optimized_code     207.8409 (1.0)      0.2554 (1.83)     207.8076 (1.0)            4.8114 (1.0)
test_rust_code          332.9054 (1.60)     0.1394 (1.0)      332.8895 (1.60)           3.0039 (0.62)
test_python_code        913.2048 (4.39)     3.5578 (25.52)    912.7434 (4.39)           1.0950 (0.23)


According to the results the C++ implementation is around 1.6x times faster than the Rust implementation. The two should be on par, except that that Rust needs additional work to expose a C api.


I want to highlight that we are not comparing these languages directly.

The goal is to have a Pythonic method with the following signature:

def websocket_accept(key: str) -> str: ...

The method itself will not be implemented in Python, but it will be available in Python.

I could not build a Python extension with only using Rust. I have implemented the simplest way to get the Rust implementation working from Python. If there is a better way please feel free to make a pull request.