Secure frontend / backend application that allows users to share their secrets anonymously with others. Secrets can be created, read, updated, and deleted.
- To view the website live click HERE (Render hosting service - app goes to sleep while inactive).
- NodeJS runtime environment
- EJS view engine
- Express Session middleware
- Connect-ensure-login middleware
- Style & Layout
- SCSS styling syntax
- Bootstrap CSS framework
- Fontawesome Icons
- MongoDB database
- Mongoose library
- Mongoose findOrCreate plugin
- Passport-local-mongoose for generating salt/hash fields in db
- Passport authentication middleware
- Passport-local strategy
- Google OAuth 2.0 strategy
Using MongoDB with 2 collections:
users {_id, username, salt, hash, secrets}
secrets [ {_id, secret} ]
How a stored User looks like:
_id: ObjectId('64021ee2f65e6556557ad5u5'),
username: "Emma",
salt: "1d9cdec6fe3016817341533a30ef33509d27be87623cecb8s...",
hash: "051ee50e1e8de673a6d9a082e9e462855af8b199dcajd9edu...",
secrets: [
_id: ObjectId('64021ee9f65e6556557ad5ue'),
secret: "When my roommates aren't home, I don't w...",
_id: ObjectId('64021ef9f65e6556557ads0b'),
secret: "Everyday my brother knocks on my door and...",
Sign Up or Sign In with an account or google auth.
The submit page where users can share their own secrets.
The secrets page where users can modify their published secrets .