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Read and create Adobe .aco color swatches. Implemented according to official Adobe specs.


npm install adobe-aco

Create an .aco file

import { createAcoFile } from 'adobe-aco';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';

const myAcoFile = createAcoFile([
  [[212, 30, 42], 'rgb', 'Hearty Red'],
  [[255, 140, 203], 'rgb', 'Luscious Pink'],
  [[40, 80, 148], 'rgb', 'Deep Navy'],

saveAs(new Blob([myAcoFile]), '')

Read an .aco file

import { readAcoFile } from 'adobe-aco';

(async () => {
  const myAcoFile = await fetch('').then(response => response.arrayBuffer());
  const swatches = readAcoFile(myAcoFile);
  console.log(swatches[0]); // [[212, 30, 42], 'rgb', 'Hearty Red']
  console.log(swatches[1]); // [[255, 140, 203], 'rgb', 'Luscious Pink']
  console.log(swatches[2]); // [[40, 80, 148], 'rgb', 'Deep Navy']



  • Swatch - [number[], string, string] - [values, space, name]

createAcoFile(swatches: Swatch[], preserve = false): ArrayBuffer

Creates a new .aco file from the given swatches. Returns an ArrayBuffer;

By default, this function will assume that the swatches given to it are in standard ranges (i.e. 0÷255 for RGB, see Color ranges) and normalize them to the 16-bit integer range used by .aco files. Optionally you may pass true as the second argument to disable this behavior.

readAcoFile(data: ArrayBuffer, preserve = false): Swatch[]

Reads an .aco file, in the form of an ArrayBuffer. Returns an array of Swatches.

By default, this function will normalize the extracted colors to a standard range (i.e. 0÷255 for RGB, see Color ranges), as within .aco files they are stored as 16-bit integers. Optionally you may pass true as the second argument to disable this behavior.

Color ranges

If you're not planning on using the preserve option then you only need the Standardized range.

Color space Standardized range .aco range
RGB 0÷255 0÷65535
HSB 0÷360/0÷100 0÷65535
CMYK 0÷1 0÷65535
LAB 0÷100/-128÷127 0÷10000/-12800÷12700
Grayscale 0÷1 0÷10000


read and create Adobe .aco color swatches







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