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Szymon Maszke edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

Please do not copy files brainlessly! See appropriate sections to get your desired functionality!

Leave your suggestions/fixes/questions in issues and happy ricing! 🐻


  • i3: Backbone of the system, movement, windows, tiling etc. Configuration of scratchpads integrated with rofi or vim scratchpad
  • polybar: Configures look of the top bar (bar notifications, sound, date, network, bluetooth etc.). Includes scripts for system monitoring and other useful stuff.
  • rofi: One launcher to rule them all! Control your network and bluetooth, search the web or read books using it.
  • neovim: Well-divided set of plugins and configuration files focused on Python's Data Science/Machine Learning. See demo to see it's capabilities.
  • tmux: Terminal multiplexer and bottom bar. Creating new projects, sending notifications when environment is saved etc.
  • scripts: Command running, improved mv function or package searcher for arch linux. Various utilities scripts, some should be really useful.
  • zsh: [WIP]

Other configuration files

Other configuration files (compton.conf, dunstrc etc.) are pretty standard and readable for anyone (at least with documentation for it's respective software). If you want some additional informations about a certain piece of my configuration, please post an issue.

Throughout those pages I will mention software you have to install in order to get everything working. See installation instructions for your system as those won't be provided!

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