The programm palantir-processor
links NGS data from the Queue API of the Next Generation Sequencing Facility
of the Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities to your local filesystem. It runs basic quantification operations (e.g. counting) which act as basis for the import
in the Palantir database.
Help for each of the commands of palantir-processor
can be obtained by calling it with -h
Given a valid Queue account with required permissions to access group data, you would start with getting an overview of the available experiments:
palantir-processor query -g group -u user -p password
will list all available experiments for the given group
Available data for group:
Now that you made up your mind of which data to import, a directory tree can be build and the raw data is linked into it.
palantir-processor prepare [-f] -r ROOT -g GROUP -u USER -p PASSWORD experiments [experiments ...]
Below is the help message describing usage & options:
positional arguments:
experiments Experiment(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r ROOT, --rootDirectory ROOT
Root directory for data preparation prepare data to
-g GROUP, --group GROUP
Group to retrieve data from
-u USER, --user USER Username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
-f, --force Force directory creation (updating current data
You will have to choose the root directory where the directory tree is created and the respective experiments from palantir-processor query
you want to link. The directory tree can be either forced (deleting old contents) or updated (only linking new samples).
This module counts read data given a reference using featureCounts from WEHI.
palantir-processor count [-h] -r ROOT -a REFERENCE [-t THREADS] [-f] [-d] experiments [experiments ...]
Below is the help message describing usage & options:
positional arguments:
experiments Experiment(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r ROOT, --rootDirectory ROOT
Root directory for data preparation prepare data to
Reference to use for counting
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threads to use
-f, --force Force counting (running on new samples only otherwise)
-d, --dryrun Dry run
A reference has to be selected for counting (described TODO) which will be automatically only used on compatible genome builds. Again, counting can be forced (overwriting old files) or updated.
The installation process currently consists of simply checking the projects out from GitHub.
Just do the following:
git clone
cd palantir-processor
This has been successfully run on Debian GNU/Linux 3.2.0 workstations (both 32-bit and 64-bit machines).
Tobias Neumann (
This software was developed at The Research Center for Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria.
This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
March 18, 2016