Inspired by Python's DefaultDict, WordFrequenter provides an object to count the frequency of words
npm: npm i --save wordfrequenter
yarn: yarn add wordfrequenter
const Freq = require('wordfrequenter')
const testWords = 'this is a cool test string this is cool cool cool'
const wf = new Freq(testWords.split(' '))
results in
Word { word: 'cool', count: 4 }
[ Word { word: 'a', count: 1 },
Word { word: 'test', count: 1 },
Word { word: 'this', count: 2 },
Word { word: 'is', count: 2 },
Word { word: 'string', count: 2 },
Word { word: 'cool', count: 4 } ]
npm test