And I'm not maintained to be helpfull for other developper currently.
So, don't blame me if you use this collection as-is and its not fit your preference.
help to define custom keymap in nerdtree buffer
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_local_mapping = 1
generate tags for specified directory
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_ctags = 1
thinca's localrc helper
- thinca/vim-localrc this plugin write .local.vimrc for specified directory
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_localrc = 1
open target node with appropriate application command such as 'xdg-open' , 'gnome-open' , 'open'(for MacOS)
This plugin use Shougo's vimproc if instaled.
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_open = 1
miscellaneous helper for Shougo's unite.vim
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_unite = 1
open NerdTreeNode in Shougo's vimfiler
to disable:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_unite = 1
C: change tree root to the selected dir with l
u: move tree root up a dir with h
This is very very experimental and dirty hack.
This plugin is disabled by default.
So to enable this plugin
first. install
then set:
let g:loaded_nerdtree_plugin_unite = 0