Install node modules
npm install
Compile TypeScript files and start the server on port 4000 (with Hot Reload)
npm run start
POST only.
Accepts a JSON array of Bookings data in the format:
id: number,
start: number,
end: number
Bookings are ordered in the most optimal way following these rules:
- Bookings are arranged in a way that they make up a route connecting end points with start points
- Longest possible route from the first booking is created
- Then a longest possible route from the rest of the bookings is created and so on
- When there are no more bookings left, it is tried to connect the created routes with each other
- A relocation happens when it is not possible to connect two routes
- It is tried to create as few routes as possible in order to minimize relocations
Endpoint responds with an array of ordered bookings id-s:
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
Run all unit and integration tests
npm run test
Run tests with watch mode
npm run test-watch
After first time Unit tests have run, coverage is collected and accessible from /test/reports/jest/index.html
Run TSLint
npm run lint
Start watching TypeScript files for changes and compiling them automatically
npm run watch