This repository contains scripts to train a tiny bidirectional LSTM classifier on the SST-2 dataset (url).
It also contains a script to fine-tune bert-large-uncased
on the same task.
The procedure is inspired by the paper Distilling Task-Specific Knowledge from BERT into Simple Neural Networks.
pip install -r requirements.txt # Skip this if you are running on FloydHub
python -m spacy download en
>> python --help
usage: [-h] --data_dir DATA_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
[--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR]
[--lr_schedule {constant,warmup,cyclic}]
[--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS]
[--epochs_per_cycle EPOCHS_PER_CYCLE] [--do_train]
[--seed SEED] [--no_cuda] [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_dir DATA_DIR Directory containing the dataset.
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory where to save the model.
--epochs EPOCHS
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--lr LR Learning rate.
--lr_schedule {constant,warmup,cyclic}
Schedule to use for the learning rate. Choices are:
constant, linear warmup & decay, cyclic.
--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS
Warmup steps for the 'warmup' learning rate schedule.
Ignored otherwise.
--epochs_per_cycle EPOCHS_PER_CYCLE
Epochs per cycle for the 'cyclic' learning rate
schedule. Ignored otherwise.
--seed SEED Random seed.
--cache_dir CACHE_DIR
Custom cache for transformer models.
python --data_dir SST-2 --output_dir bert_output --epochs 1 --batch_size 16 --lr 1e-5 --lr_schedule warmup --warmup_steps 100 --do_train
The file used in my tests is available at, but you may want to generate another one with a random seed or to use a different teacher model.
>> python --help
usage: [-h] --input INPUT --output OUTPUT --model MODEL
[--no_augment] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT Input dataset.
--output OUTPUT Output dataset.
--model MODEL Model to use to generate the labels for the augmented
--no_augment Don't perform data augmentation
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
python --input SST-2/train.tsv --output SST-2/augmented.tsv --model bert_output
>> python --help
usage: [-h] --data_dir DATA_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
[--augmented] [--epochs EPOCHS]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR]
[--lr_schedule {constant,warmup,cyclic}]
[--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS]
[--epochs_per_cycle EPOCHS_PER_CYCLE] [--do_train]
[--seed SEED] [--no_cuda]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_dir DATA_DIR Directory containing the dataset.
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory where to save the model.
--augmented Wether to use the augmented dataset for knowledge
--epochs EPOCHS
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--lr LR Learning rate.
--lr_schedule {constant,warmup,cyclic}
Schedule to use for the learning rate. Choices are:
constant, linear warmup & decay, cyclic.
--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS
Warmup steps for the 'warmup' learning rate schedule.
Ignored otherwise.
--epochs_per_cycle EPOCHS_PER_CYCLE
Epochs per cycle for the 'cyclic' learning rate
schedule. Ignored otherwise.
--seed SEED
python --data_dir SST-2 --output_dir bilstm_output --epochs 1 --batch_size 50 --lr 1e-3 --lr_schedule warmup --warmup_steps 100 --do_train --augmented