ChillPill is a mobile first designed web application, aimed at helping pet owners manage their pet's medication plan. Currently available at on mobile only.
Key features for pet owner's include:
- Ability to add, edit, delete medications and linked schedules for pets.
- Receive email notifications to remind of upcoming medications due.
- Find a vet registered with ChillPill based on location.
- Chat with vet/s about pets when needed.
- Ability for pet owner to add and manage carers linked with their pet/s.
- Available as a Progressive Web App (PWA) to be accessed via mobile's home screen.
What was used:
- Rails app generated with Le Wagon boilerplate (
- Stimulus JS manager
- Sassc
- Sidekiq + Action Mailer
- Active Record
- Pundit
- Cloudinary
- Bootstrap
- Flatpickr
- Mapbox
Landing page, Pet profile, Active Medication Schedule & Vet Chat screens
The ChillPill team: Tahli (tahlikipps), Angie (anyeelog), Fatima (FatimaPashazade) and Fa (fa-it-girl)