A free and private screen recording web app.
To run this project locally, you'll need a recent version of Node.js (which comes bundled with npm, a JavaScript package manager). Here is a short little guide on how to install it if you are unfamiliar (works on Chrome OS).
Install the necessary Material Design components by running the following command in the project directory:
npm i @material/fab @material/ripple
You'll also need all of the following Node dependencies:
- webpack: Bundles Sass and JavaScript
- webpack-dev-server: Development server
- sass-loader: Webpack loader to preprocess Sass files
- sass: Sass compiler
- css-loader: Resolves CSS @import and url() paths
- extract-loader: Extracts the CSS into a .css file
- file-loader: Serves the .css file as a public URL
- autoprefixer: Parses CSS and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules
- postcss-loader: Loader for Webpack used in conjunction with autoprefixer
- @babel/core
- babel-loader: Compiles JavaScript files using babel
- @babel/preset-env: Preset for compiling es2015
You can install all of them at once by running this command:
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server css-loader sass-loader sass extract-loader file-loader autoprefixer postcss-loader @babel/core babel-loader @babel/preset-env
Finally, run npm start
in the project directory and open http://localhost:8080 to view the web app.
To generate production-ready assets, run npm run build
. This will produce bundle.js and bundle.css.