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A simple interpreter w/ static analysis and constant propagation


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CircleCI License: MIT

haribote-lang is a simple and fast programming language for education originally made by Mr.Kawai.
This repository is a remodelled implementation in Rust of the original version, Creating programming languages in 10 days.


  • This repository contains hrb, haribote-lang interpreter
  • hrb runs in two modes, normal mode and interactive mode (a.k.a. REPL)
  • Input source code is converted into internal code
  • and is optimized it in several ways

For further information, See Optimization Strategy or My Blog(ja).


haribote-lang run on Windows, OSX, Linux, UNIX.

git clone
cd haribote-lang
cargo build --release


Run a .hrb file:

./target/release/hrb <filepath>

Run in an interactive mode:



  • hrb [OPTIONS] FILEPATH: Run the program
  • hrb [OPTIONS]: Run in interactive mode
  • hrb help: show the usage


  • -emit-ir: Display the intermidiate representation
  • -no-optimize: Doesn't optimize the program
  • -no-exec: Doesn't execute the program


In interactive mode, you can type an expression to check the result

?> hrb
haribote-lang version 1.1.1
Running in Interactive mode
Type "run <filepath>" to load and run the file.
>>> print "Hello World\n";
Hello World
>>> a = 15; b = 20;
>>> a * b
>>> exit
?> hrb ./example/fibo.hrb`
Fibo_0 = 1
Fibo_1 = 1
Fibo_2 = 2
Fibo_3 = 3
Fibo_4 = 5
Fibo_5 = 8
Fibo_6 = 13
Fibo_7 = 21
Fibo_8 = 34
Fibo_9 = 55
Fibo_10 = 89
Fibo_11 = 144
?> hrb -emit-ir example/calc.hrb
--------------- Dump of internal code ---------------
        copy a, i32 1
        copy b, i32 3
        copy _tmp0, i32 3
        copy _tmp1, i32 4
        copy c, i32 4
        copy _tmp0, i32 8
        copy _tmp1, i32 10
        copy c, i32 10


Lexical elements

  • Num : Decimal numbers (0, 100, 53, 1024)
  • Ident : Identifiers which starts with alphabet (abc, ABc123)
  • Str : Strings encloses in double quotes ("Hello Hari-bote ", "World\n")

Definition by EBNF

program     ::= top*

top         ::= label | stmt

label       ::= <Ident> ":"

stmt        :: = array-decl
               | if-else
               | for
               | goto-stmt
               | expr? ";"
               | "print" (expr | <Str>) ";"
               | "println" (expr | <Str>) ";"

array-decl  ::= "let" <Ident> "[" expr "]" ";"

if-else     ::= if-goto | if-else-sub
if-goto     ::= "if" "(" expr ")" goto-stmt
if-else-sub ::= "if" "(" expr ")" "{" top* "}" ( "else" "{" top* "}" )?

for         ::= "for" "(" expr? ";" expr? ";" expr? ")" "{" top* "}"

goto-stmt   ::= "goto" <Ident> ";"

expr        ::= assign
assign      ::= equality ( ("=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=") expr )?
equality    ::= relational ( ( "==" | "!=" ) relational )*
relational  ::= add        ( (  "<" | "<=" ) add        )*
add         ::= mul        ( (  "+" | "-"  ) mul        )*
mul         ::= unary      ( (  "*" | "/"  ) unary      )*
unary       ::= ("+" | "-")? primary
primary     ::= <Num> | <Ident> ( "[" expr "]" )?

Intermidiate Representation

Intermidiate Representation (IR) is a low-level code of haribote language.
Optimizations are taken place on IR.
In order to learn how IR is implemented, see a struct Operation in /src/

Optimization Strategy

hrb supports the following optimization methods:

Basic strategy is as follows:

  1. Build a control-flow graph
  2. Data-flow analysis
  3. Change code

Constant Folding &Constant Propagation

  1. Let each CFG node have a constant variable table.
  2. Information of constant variables moves to other nodes along the control flow. (One of the good ways is using a queue.)
  3. Replace arithmetic operations with copy operations by using information of the final stete.

Removing Unreachable Operations

  1. Let each CFG node n have a boolean value b[n].
  2. Set all b[n]s falses.
  3. Set b[entry point] true.
  4. Do BFS and set every b[reachable node] true.
  5. Remove n such that b[n] = false.

Peekhole Optimization

It's unnecessary to build a CFG.

Jump Chain Optimization

  1. Search a goto(jump) L operation. L is a label.
  2. If the distination label of L starts with a goto(jump) operation, get the destination of L.
  3. Repeat step 2. Finally get the final destination of label D.
  4. If detects a cyclic control-flow in step 3, do nothing and finish.
  5. Replace the original goto(jump) L with goto(jump) D.
