[อ้างอิง จาก zig learning] (https://ziglang.org/documentation)
- https://github.com/gyulanemeth/learn-zig
- https://github.com/craftlinks/zig_learn_opengl
- https://github.com/zigbyexample/zigbyexample.github.io
- https://github.com/bfeldpw/rayworld-ng
- https://github.com/seanpm2001/Learn-Zig
1. ติดตั้ง plugin "Zig Support" (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18062-zig-support)
- Basic language syntax rendering
- Comment/Uncomment Zig code
- Live templates
- Formatting using zig fmt (Ctrl|Cmd + Alt + l)
2. ติดตั้ง plugin "ZigBrains" (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/22456-zigbrains)
A multifunctional Zig Programming Language plugin for the IDEA platform.
Core features:
Uses ZLS (Zig Language Server) for code assistance, syntax highlighting, and anything to do with coding assistance Supports build.zig.zon files with autocomplete Per-project Zig toolchain integration Debugging support for CLion (builtin), and IDEA Ultimate With this plugin Gutter icon for running main(), tests, and build
Setting up the language server If you have zls available on PATH, ZigBrains will automatically discover it. If not, follow this guide:
- Download or compile the ZLS language server, available at https://github.com/zigtools/zls
- Go to Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> ZLS -> ZLS path -> set the path to the zls executable you downloaded or compiled
- Open a .zig file, and wait for the circle in the bottom status bar to turn Green (empty). See below for an explanation on what the circle means.