Project purpose
Available functions
Project structure
For developer
This is a template for creating a fully working e-store with a basic interface. It implements typical for an online store functions and has the login and registration forms.
For all users:
- view menu of the store;
- view items of the store;
- registration;
- log in;
- log out.
For users with a USER role only:
- add products to user's shopping cart;
- delete products from user's shopping cart;
- view all current user's orders;
- complete order;
- view current user`s shopping cart.
For users with an ADMIN role only:
- add items to a catalog;
- delete items from a catalog;
- view a list of all users;
- delete users from the store;
- give\remove admin role;
- advertising pictures to the goods;
- Java 11
- Maven 4.0.0
- javax.servlet-api 3.1.0
- JSTL 1.2
- log4j2 2.13
- maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.1.1
- mysql-connector-java 8.0.20
To run this project you need to have installed:
- Java 11+
- Tomcat
- MySQL (Optional)
This project is MVC-based and thus has:
- DAO layer (with two implementations: inner storage based on List and outer storage based on MySQL RDBMS);
- Service layer;
- authentication and authorization filters;
- Servlets;
- JSP pages.
Launch guide:
- Open the project in your IDE.
- Add it as maven project.
- Configure Tomcat:
- add an artifact;
- add SDK 11.0.3.
- Add SDK 11.0.3 in project structure.
- Change a path in /internet-shop_project/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml on line 7. It has to reach your logFile.
- Run the project.
- If you launch this project for the first time:
- Run InjectDefaultUsersController by URL = .../initialization to create default users. By default, there are one user with the USER role (login = "u", password = "u") and one with an ADMIN role (login = "a", password = "a")*.
*Run injection every time you run your project if you use the inner storage, and only on first run if you use MySQL.
To work with MySQL you need to*:
- At /internet-shop_project/src/main/java/myshop/util/ConnectionUtil class use username, password and URL for your DB to create a Connection.
- Use file /internet-shop_project/src/main/resources/init_db.sql to create a schema and all the tables required by this app in MySQL database.
*This project uses MySQL by default
To work with inner storage you need to:
- Remove @Dao annotations from DAOs in src/main/java/myshop/dao/jdbc;
- Add @Dao annotations to DAOs in src/main/java/myshop/dao/impl.