With sbt-postcss, you can execute Postcss during Playframework's hot-reload and stage. It works with both sbt run
and sbt stage
The initial use case is to support Tailwindcss with sbt-svelte in Playframework.
It currently only supports processing only one file for now.
Please see the full example in the folder: test-play-project
Add the below line to project/plugins.sbt
lazy val root =
Project("plugins", file(".")).aggregate(SbtPostcss).dependsOn(SbtPostcss)
lazy val SbtPostcss = RootProject(uri("https://github.com/tanin47/sbt-postcss.git#<pick_a_commit>"))
Create the file in the project's root directory. Here's a simple content for configuring Tailwindcss:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Create the file in the project's root directory. Here's an example:
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
Specify the binary path of postcss-cli, specify the CSS file to be processed, and add postcss to the pipeline stages.
postcss / PostcssKeys.binaryFile := (new File(".") / "node_modules" / ".bin" / "postcss").getAbsolutePath
postcss / PostcssKeys.inputFile := "./public/stylesheets/tailwindbase.css"
Assets / pipelineStages ++= Seq(postcss)
Run: npm install -D postcss-cli tailwindcss
sbt-postcss is an sbt-web plugin that executes postcss-cli
as "an Asset Pipeline task" (ref), not "a Source File task".
It reads the postcss.config.js in the root of the project's directory.
We are not publishing a jar file anymore. You can load the plugin using a URL that points to a specific commit.