A quick project to analyse the best way to travel across the globe.
This repository exploits OpenFlight data as its only data source.
The project is built with Scala
. All you need to compile and run
the project is listed as follows:
- sbt, the Scala Build Tool
The project itself is not specifically configured for any particular IDE, if you like to use one you should install its appropriate sbt plugin globally instead of adding it to every project you touch.
Simply run sbt run
to compile and run the project.
The program reads the flights data into an H2
database and you will see
two available modes to run as follows.
Type either a
or b
following by ENTER to choose a function you want.
Given a source and a destination city, the program traverse and expands all best applicable routes between the two cities. Routes with greater than 2 connections basically take up massive time to compute than fewer links.
Prerequisite: To enable Google Map visualisation, an API key needs to be store in
. See the following example:
function getAPIKey(){ return 'AIzaSyD*************'}
Given a list of multiple cities, the program creates a Minimum Spanning Tree which connects all cities together with minimal total distances.
Copyright (C) StarColon Projects.