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How to install TDengine cluster on docker compose #6032

Aries-Lee1991 opened this issue May 7, 2021 · 1 comment

How to install TDengine cluster on docker compose #6032

Aries-Lee1991 opened this issue May 7, 2021 · 1 comment
good idea Skills from the community


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Aries-Lee1991 commented May 7, 2021



首先设置主机时区:# timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai 修改时区为中国

   # mkdir -p /home/docker-compose/tdengine; 
   # cd /home/docker-compose/tdengine
   # mkdir etc
   # cd /home/docker-compose/tdengine/etc
   # mkdir node1etc node2etc node3etc
   # 在node1etc node2etc node3etc中分别创建一个taos.cfg,然后分别设置其firstEp、secondEp、fqdn和serverPort属性:
   # node1etc: firstEp=taosnode1:6030,secondEp=taosnode1:6030,fqdn=taosnode1,serverPort=6030;
   # node2etc: firstEp=taosnode1:6030,secondEp=taosnode2:7030,fqdn=taosnode2, serverPort=7030;
   # node3etc: firstEp=taosnode1:6030,secondEp=taosnode2:7030,fqdn=taosnode3, serverPort=8030;
   # 注意:taosnode1为物理节点的hostname,如果hostname变了,这也要变。
   # taos.cfg的基本模板在下面
   # cd /home/docker-compose/tdengine
   # touch docker-compose.yml

   # docker search tdengine
   # docker pull tdengine
   # cd /home/docker-compose/tdengine
   # docker-compose up -d  构建并启动容器
   # docker-compose exec taosnode1 bash   这个taosnode1是service名称不是容器名称
   # apt-get install inetutils-ping 安装ping命令
   # ping taosnode2
   # ping taosnode3
   # docker-compose exec taosnode1 bash
   # taos;
   # create dnode "taosnode2:7030"   将节点2加入集群
   # create dnode "taosnode3:8030"   将节点3加入集群
   # show dnodes;   查看物理节点
   # show mnodes;   
   # show vgroups;
   # drop dnode 节点id
   # vim /etc/hosts
   # 添加: taosnode1 taosnode2 taosnode3
   # 在C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts文件中localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.下添加:
   #  taosnode1 taosnode2 taosnode3
   # 客户端下载地址:
   # 客户端下载之后直接安装即可,默认路径C:\TDengine
   # 修改C:\TDengine\cfg\taos.cfg,设置firstEp为taosnode1:6030,secondEp为taosnode2:7030
   # 设置secondEp主要是为了防止taosnode1节点宕机后无法连接集群
   # C:\TDengine中cmd启动客户端,输入taos连接集群

   # create database testdb replica n; 创建数据库并设置副本数,n代表几个副本;
   # n可以配置为1-3,但不能超过节点数;
   # 当一个vnode group里一半或以上的vnode不工作时,不能对外提供服务;
   # 默认replica为1,此时集群不具备vnode高可用,若想高可用,大于等于2;
   # mnode的副本数,由系统配置参数numOfMnodes决定,有效范围1-3,且小于等于集群节点数;
   # 当一半或以上mnode不工作时,集群不对外工作;
   # 为保证mnode的高可用性,numOfMnodes必须设置为2或3,默认为3;
   # 触发情况:下面这三种情况将自动触发负载均衡,不须人工干预
   # 1、当一个新数据节点添加进集群时;
   # 2、当一个数据节点从集群中移除时;
   # 3、一个数据节点过热(数据量过大);
   # 为什么要用Arbitrator:
   # 如果副本数为偶数,当一个vnode  group里一半的vnode不工作时,是无法从中选出master的。
   # 同理,一个mnode组里一半的mnode不工作时,也是无法选出mnode的master的。
   # 因为存在“split brain”的问题;
   # Arbitrator的作用
   # Arbitrator是一个可执行程序,模拟一个vnode或mnode在工作,但只简单的负责网络连接,不处理任何数据插入或访问。
   # 比如:对于副本数位2的情况,如果一个节点A离线,但另外一个节点B正常,如果没有Arbitrator,那么节点B也不能对外工作,
   # 但如果能连接到Arbitrator,那么节点B就能正常工作


使用docker-compose安装tdengine,切忌使用docker-compose down命令,
否则需要清空data下所有文件才能再次执行docker-compose up -d命令,如果不清空data下所有文件,tdengine服务会一直显示重启中;

# rm -rf /home/docker-compose/tdengine/data 清空data文件命令,必须保证路径正确

docker-compose.yml 内容

version: "3"
      restart: always
      image: tdengine/tdengine:latest
      hostname: taosnode1
      container_name: taosnode1
      privileged: true
        - 6020:6020
        - 6030-6042:6030-6042/tcp
        - 6030-6042:6030-6042/udp
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro #同步主机时区到容器
        - ./data/node1data:/var/lib/taos
        - ./etc/node1etc:/etc/taos
        - ./log/node1log:/var/log/taos
      restart: always
      image: tdengine/tdengine:latest
      hostname: taosnode2
      container_name: taosnode2
      privileged: true
        - 7020:7020
        - 7030-7042:7030-7042/tcp
        - 7030-7042:7030-7042/udp
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro #同步主机时区到容器
        - ./data/node2data:/var/lib/taos
        - ./etc/node2etc:/etc/taos
        - ./log/node2log:/var/log/taos

      restart: always
      image: tdengine/tdengine:latest
      hostname: taosnode3
      container_name: taosnode3
      privileged: true
        - 8020:8020
        - 8030-8042:8030-8042/tcp
        - 8030-8042:8030-8042/udp
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro #同步主机时区到容器
        - ./data/node3data:/var/lib/taos
        - ./etc/node3etc:/etc/taos
        - ./log/node3log:/var/log/taos

taos.cfg 内容

#                                                      #
#                  TDengine Configuration              #
#   Any questions, please email   #
#                                                      #

# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system
# taosd启动时,主动连接的集群中第一个dnode的end point, 默认值为localhost:6030。
# firstEp               hostname1:6030

# second fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system, for cluster only
# taosd启动时,如果first连接不上,尝试连接集群中第二个dnode的end point, 默认值为空。
# secondEp              cluster_hostname2:6030

# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# 数据节点的FQDN,缺省为操作系统配置的第一个hostname。如果习惯IP地址访问,可设置为该节点的IP地址。
# fqdn                  hostname

# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used) 
# taosd启动后,对外服务的端口号,默认值为6030。
# serverPort            6030

# log file's directory
# 日志文件目录,客户端和服务器的运行日志文件将写入该目录。默认值:/var/log/taos
# logDir                /var/log/taos

# data file's directory
# 数据文件目录,所有的数据文件都将写入该目录。默认值:/var/lib/taos。
# dataDir               /var/lib/taos

# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system, for cluster only   
# 系统中裁决器的end point, 缺省值为空。
# arbitrator            arbitrator_hostname:6030     

# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore   1.0

# number of management nodes in the system
# 系统中管理节点个数。默认值:3。
# numOfMnodes           3

# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing dnode
# vnodeBak              1

# enable/disable load balancing
# 是否启动负载均衡。0:否,1:是。默认值:1。
# balance               1

# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# dnode的可选角色。0-any; 既可作为mnode,也可分配vnode;1-mgmt;只能作为mnode,不能分配vnode;2-dnode;不能作为mnode,只能分配vnode
# role                  0

# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl            512

# time interval of system monitor, seconds 
# monitorInterval       30

# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only 
# dnode离线阈值,超过该时间将导致该dnode从集群中删除。单位为秒,默认值:86400*10(即10天)。
# offlineThreshold      8640000

# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer              300

# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds. 
# rpcMaxTime            600

# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only 
# statusInterval        1

# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer    3

# time of keeping table meta data in cache, seconds
# tableMetaKeepTimer    7200

# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime        10

# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime       10

# maximum delay before launching a stream compution, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay    20000

# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay   10000

# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay      10

# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio      0.1

# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# 每个数据库中能够使用的最大vnode个数。
# maxVgroupsPerDb           0

# max number of tables per vnode
# 每个vnode中能够创建的最大表个数。默认值:1000000。
# maxTablesPerVnode         1000000

# step size of increasing table number in a vnode
# tableIncStepPerVnode      1000

# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache                     16

# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks                    6

# number of days per DB file
# 一个数据文件存储数据的时间跨度,单位为天,默认值:10。
# days                  10

# number of days to keep DB file
# 数据库中数据保留的天数,单位为天,默认值:3650。
# keep                  3650

# minimum rows of records in file block
# 文件块中记录的最小条数,单位为条,默认值:100。
# minRows               100

# maximum rows of records in file block
# 文件块中记录的最大条数,单位为条,默认值:4096。
# maxRows               4096

# enable/disable compression
# 文件压缩标志位,0:关闭,1:一阶段压缩,2:两阶段压缩。默认值:2。
# comp                  2

# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# WAL级别。1:写wal, 但不执行fsync; 2:写wal, 而且执行fsync。默认值:1。
# walLevel              1

# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# 当wal设置为2时,执行fsync的周期。设置为0,表示每次写入,立即执行fsync。单位为毫秒,默认值:3000
# fsync                 3000

# number of replications, for cluster only 
# 副本个数,取值范围:1-3。单位为个,默认值:1
# replica               1

# mqtt uri  
# mqttBrokerAddress     mqtt://username:password@hostname:1883/taos/

# mqtt client name 
# mqttBrokerClientId    taos_mqtt

# the compressed rpc message, option:
#  -1 (no compression)
#   0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize       -1

# max length of an SQL # # 
# 设置sql语句的最大长度,默认值:65380字节。最大值为1048576或者1M。
maxSQLLength          1048576

# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes    100000

# system time zone
# 默认值:从系统中动态获取当前的时区设置
# timezone              Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)

# system locale
# 默认值:系统中动态获取,如果自动获取失败,需要用户在配置文件设置或通过API设置
# locale                en_US.UTF-8

# default system charset
# 默认值:系统中动态获取,如果自动获取失败,需要用户在配置文件设置或通过API设置
# charset               UTF-8

# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns         5000

# max numerber of connections allowed in client 
# maxConnections        5000

# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB       0.1

# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB       0.1

# stop writing data when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalDataDirGB      0.1

# enbale/disable http service
# http                  1

# enable/disable muqq service
# mqtt                  0

# enable/disable system monitor 
# monitor               1

# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql   0

# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads        2

# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restful返回数据行数限制
 restfulRowLimit       1024000

# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of rows per log filters
# 单个日志文件允许的最大行数。默认值:10,000,000行。
# numOfLogLines         10000000

# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog              1

# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error, 135: output debug, warning and error, 143 : output trace, debug, warning and error to log.
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file

# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
 debugFlag             135

# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag            135

# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag            135

# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag            135

# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag            135

# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag          135

# debug flag for RPC 
# rpcDebugFlag          131

# debug flag for TAOS TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag          131

# debug flag for TDengine client 
# cDebugFlag            131

# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugflag          131

# debug flag for ODBC
# odbcDebugflag         131

# debug flag for storage
# uDebugflag            131

# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag         131

# debug flag for mqtt
# mqttDebugFlag         131

# debug flag for monitor
# monitorDebugFlag      131

# debug flag for query
# qDebugflag            131

# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugflag            131

# debug flag for http server
# tsdbDebugFlag         131

# enable/disable recording the SQL in taos client
# tscEnableRecordSql    0

# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile        1

# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# shell中二进制和nchar字段的最大显示宽度。超过此限制的部分将被隐藏
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30

@Aries-Lee1991 Aries-Lee1991 added the good idea Skills from the community label May 7, 2021
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trying20 commented Jul 7, 2021


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