Plugins for Evil ( ).
(require 'evil-ex-registers) (define-key evil-ex-completion-map (kbd "C-r") #'evil-ex-paste-from-register)
It provides special registers for ex mode.
(require 'evil-little-word)
It provides little-word motion commands and text objects with default key bindings listed below. The little-word motion commands are similar to those in camelcasemotion.vim. The motions stop at upcase letters just after a lowercase letter and at underscores (‘_
’). Unlike camelcasemotion.vim
, little-word motions are sensitive to non-ascii uppercase/lowercase letters as long as Emacs knows which character is uppercase or not. See for further design details.
- glw
- glb
- glW
- glB
- lw
- lw
(require 'evil-mode-line)
It gives a state indicator at the beginning of the mode line and changes the mode line color for each state.
An associative list which specifies correspondence between Evil states and colors. The key of the associative list must be a symbol of an Evil state (such as normal
, insert
, etc.) and the value of the associative list must be a string of a color (such as “SteelBlue4”, “#575735”, etc.).
A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of normal state.
A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of insert state.
A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of replace state.
A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of emacs state.
An associative list which specifies correspondence between Evil visual state types and state indicator strings. The key of the associative list must be a symbol of visual state type (such as normal
, line
and block
) and the value of the associative list must be a string of indicator.
(require 'evil-operator-comment) (global-evil-operator-comment-mode 1)
It provides comment/uncomment operator. You can use it by typing C*
, for example, CC
for commenting out the line at the cursor, Ciw
for commenting out the word at the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable evil-operator-comment-key
denotes the cursor position.
(foo ba|r)
comments out ‘bar
’, and Ci(
comments out ‘foo bar
The idea is taken from, which is to add comment/uncomment operator to Vim.
(require 'evil-operator-moccur) (global-evil-operator-moccur-mode 1)
It provides an operator for moccur-grep-find
command. You can use it by typing M*
, for example, Miw
for grepping a word under the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable evil-operator-moccur-grep-find-key
. You will be asked in which directory files to be grepped are located. Setting custom variable evil-operator-moccur-use-current-directory
disables asking a directory and files in the current directory are grepped.
(require 'evil-relative-linum)
It provides relative line numbers shown up when you hit operator keys.
linum.el (you don’t need this if emacs-version >= 23)
(require 'evil-textobj-between)
It provides text object for selecting a range between a character. Default key bindings are if
and af
, which select a range between a character by which the command is followed. if
selects an inner range. These bindings can be changed by setting custom variable evil-textobj-between-i-key
and evil-textobj-between-a-key
denotes the cursor position.
foo, b|ar, baz
deletes ‘ bar
’, and vif:
:foo :b|ar :baz
selects ‘bar
The idea is taken from, which is to define textobj-between for Vim.
(require 'hexl-evil-patch)
A patch for hexl-mode
, a mode for editing binary files in hex dump format.