This is a personal portfolio website template showcasing the skills, projects, and contact information of the owner. It is designed to provide a professional online presence for individuals in the fields of data science and software engineering.
You can preview the website live at the link provided on the sidebar.
About: A brief introduction about the owner, highlighting their expertise and career objectives.
Skills: Lists the technical skills and expertise of the owner, including programming languages, libraries/frameworks, and statistical analysis techniques.
Projects: Showcases relevant projects completed by the owner, with links to their respective GitHub repositories or project documentation.
Contact: Provides various ways to get in touch with the owner, such as email or social media profiles.
Clone the repository: git clone Customize the content in index.html and style.css to suit your preferences. Replace headshot.png with your own profile picture. Modify the links in the navigation and social media icons to point to your own profiles. Update the project links and descriptions in the "Projects" section. Once customized, deploy the website to your preferred hosting platform.
Font Awesome - for the icons used in the website. Unsplash - for the placeholder profile picture.
Feel free to adjust the sections, add more details, or include any additional information relevant to your project!