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Tom Barbette edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

ThreadSafeQueue Element Documentation


ThreadSafeQueue — Click element; stores packets in a FIFO queue



Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: 1 input, 1-2 outputs


Stores incoming packets in a first-in-first-out queue. Drops incoming packets if the queue already holds CAPACITY packets. The default for CAPACITY is 1000.

This variant of the default Queue is (should be) completely thread safe, in that it supports multiple concurrent pushers and pullers. In all respects other than thread safety it behaves just like Queue, and like Queue it has non-full and non-empty notifiers.


  • length (read-only) — Returns the current number of packets in the queue.
  • highwater_length (read-only) — Returns the maximum number of packets that have ever been in the queue at once.
  • capacity (read/write) — Returns or sets the queue's capacity.
  • drops (read-only) — Returns the number of packets dropped by the queue so far.
  • reset_counts (write-only) — When written, resets the drops and highwater_length counters.
  • reset (write-only) — When written, drops all packets in the queue.


Queue, SimpleQueue, NotifierQueue, MixedQueue, FrontDropQueue

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/standard/threadsafequeue.hh:7 on 2018/10/03.

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