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Tom Barbette edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

TimeFilter Element Documentation


TimeFilter — Click element; filter packets by timestamp



Ports: 1 input, 1-2 outputs
Processing: agnostic, but output 1 is push


TimeFilter passes packets through only if they lie within a timestamp range. You can specify that range absolutely or relative to the first timestamp TimeFilter sees.

Keyword arguments are:

  • START — T is absolute time in seconds since the epoch. Output packets with timestamps at least T.
  • START_AFTER — T is relative time in seconds (or use suffixes like `ms', `hr'). Output packets with timestamps at least T seconds after the first packet seen.
  • START_DELAY — T is relative time. Output packets with timestamps at least T seconds after initialize time.
  • END — T is absolute time. Output packets with timestamps up to T.
  • END_AFTER — T is relative time. Output packets with timestamps up to T seconds after the first packet seen.
  • END_DELAY — T is relative time. Output packets with timestamps up to T seconds after initialize time.
  • INTERVAL — T is relative time. Output packets for T seconds after the start time, as specified by START or START_AFTER.
  • STOP — Boolean. If true, stop the driver once the end time is exceeded. Default is false.
  • END_CALL — Specifies a write handler to call when the first packet after END is seen. The variable "$t" in the write handler argument is expanded to the packet's timestamp. STOP and END_CALL are mutually exclusive.

Supply at most one of START, START_AFTER, and START_DELAY, and at most one of END, END_AFTER, END_DELAY, and INTERVAL.


  • start (read/write) — Returns or sets the START time. If you used START_AFTER or START_DELAY, then this handler returns garbage until a packet has passed.
  • end (read/write) — Returns or sets the END time. If you used START_AFTER or START_DELAY, then this handler returns garbage until a packet has passed.
  • interval (read/write) — Returns or sets the INTERVAL. Setting INTERVAL leaves the current START as is and adjusts END.
  • extend_interval (write-only) — Takes a timestamp. Extends the LAST time by that amount. If extend_interval is called from an END_CALL handler, then the triggering packet is not dropped.



Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/analysis/timefilter.hh:8 on 2018/10/03.

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