Generate feed for local catalog and download files directly in your favourite podcast player!
It is quite simple python script that scans catalog and generates atom feed from found files. Feed is further served on given (or automatically resolved) ip adress and port. The script is serving these files too, so they can be downloaded. Afrer that, files are moved to special subcatalog (or removed if you want).
Download and run it via shell. The simplest version of command:
python .
It is good idea to startup CatFeed along with your system. Consider using fixed host and port like this:
python path/to/ --host --port 8888 /path/to/catalog
There are some more options, it is quote from --help
positional arguments:
catalog catalog to generate feed from (absolute or relative path)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST host to start server on (default: auto)
-p PORT, --port PORT port to start server on (default: 8888)
-m PATH, --moveto PATH catalog to move downloaded files (absolute or relative path, default: Downloaded)
-d, --delete remove downloaded files instead of moving to other catalog
-t TITLE, --title TITLE title of feed (default: name of catalog)
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3} level of logging (0-ERROR ... 3-DEBUG)