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Releases: tbillington/kondo


19 Dec 07:29
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What's Changed


kondo now supports 20 project types 🎉! This is an awesome milestone, thank you very much to all the contributors so far!

I've been working on a rework of the discovery logic over the past few weeks. It aims to cover edge cases I didn't consider when I first created the project. If you have any issues with how kondo currently works please post in the issue with your feedback :)

Added support for .NET projects, Godot 4 projects, shell completion, and more artifact directories for existing project types.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7...v0.8


06 Jul 05:23
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What's Changed


Added support for Gradle and Zig, thank you to the new contributors who added these! We're now up to 16 types of projects supported by kondo 🚀

CLI now supports ignoring specified directories via argument.

Added default clean CLI arg to automatically clean instead of prompting.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6...v0.7


12 Mar 06:11
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What's Changed


5 new project types supported, cmake, composer, pub, elixir, and swift! Thank you to the new contributors who added these 😊

Support for only showing projects last modified past a certain date in #66. Thank you @gabrielztk . To only show projects modified more than 3 months ago, run kondo --older 3M. More options in --help.

Project discovery and deletion have been moved to separate threads. This results in a much snappier user experience as the 3 distinct phases are no longer locked in sync 1 project at a time. The main functions is now much easier to read as a side effect.

The readme has also gotten a coat of paint, feedback welcome.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5...v0.6


05 Jan 10:14
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What's Changed


Support for pycache and jupyter-notebook checkpoints by @Stunkymonkey in #33

Support for "quiet" and "all" modes allowing you to clean all projects found and doing it without any noise! Implemented in #53 and thanks to @danieljb for the suggestion.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4...v0.5


31 Jul 08:33
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This release removes some existing commands and changes how kondo runs.

Kondo now runs in an interactive mode, allowing you to take action on a project basis.

Sample use:

$ kondo ~/code
/Users/choc/code/unity Cargo project
  └─ target (489.1KiB)
  delete above artifact directories? ([y]es, [n]o, [a]ll, [q]uit): y
  deleted 489.1KiB

/Users/choc/code/multiplayer-kit/generator Cargo project
  └─ target (874.3KiB)
  delete above artifact directories? ([y]es, [n]o, [a]ll, [q]uit): n

/Users/choc/code/chat Cargo project
  └─ target (37.2MiB)
  delete above artifact directories? ([y]es, [n]o, [a]ll, [q]uit): q

Total bytes deleted: 489.1KiB


15 Mar 07:06
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This is the first release to include the new GUI for kondo 🎉 look for kondo-ui in the downloads below.


Here are the changes since v0.2

  • Add basic graphic user interface 🎉 (#19)
  • Rewrite project discovery phase for a massive 97.5% runtime reduction 🎉 This includes a correctness fix, projects within the artifacts of other projects will not be listed and therefore will not be included more than once in the size total (previously they were). (#20)
  • Break project into cargo workspace (#18)
  • Improve path handling, skip folders that don't exist (#17)
  • Add Unreal 4 project support (#597efd9)


23 Feb 02:43
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This is the first release with pre-built binaries available, thank you so much to the mean-bean-ci-template project by @XAMPPRocky for enabling that!

Here is a list of all the changes since 0.1

  • Added Haskell Stack project support, thank you @pbevin
  • Added Github actions for testing, linting, and deployment, thank you @ysndr , @XAMPPRocky
  • Added SBT project support, thank you @colindean
  • Add command line options, thank you @aszecsei
    • Support passing multiple paths to scan
    • Support outputting just a list of artifact directories, this list is usually used to pipe into another program to delete
    • Support running a command for each artifact directory
  • Add Maven project support, thank you @gzsombor


28 Jan 03:29
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Initial version of Kondo.